Posted by on March 6, 2023

A moment later, he realized what he'd done, and, with a deep sense of shame, he let go and scooted back across the couch. LORI: We all do, Lana. We'll sneak downstairs, make some hot pockets and watch a movie. "It's one of the creepiest ghost stories ever put to film. LINCOLN: (laughs) That was the best episode ever! Before Lincoln could run off, though, he felt a dainty yet strong hand grip him by the wrist. ", Lori: "Anytime. No sisters, no loudness, just peace and quiet. She applies some to her right hand, then, without warning, she grabs Lincoln's left arm and put some on it. "All right Bun Bun, it looks like I'm ready." I mean-" (sigh) "Never mind.". ", Lori: "I know. LINCOLN: Luna, Leni, you want to go to the movies with me? Lynn: I never leave home without my lucky horseshoe. When that happened, Lincoln squeezed Lori tight and buried his face in her bosom, scarcely able to bring himself to look at the screen. Lincoln puts the picture away andlays down with his face in the pillow. lori comforts lincoln fanfiction. So maybe", Lincoln's eyes fluttered, as his blush grew bright enough to cut through the darkness of the living room. ", Lori: "Well, we can still visit them once in a while. You apologized for your attitude towards me, you and the others helped me with my project, you apologized to Leni for trying to get her to fail at getting her license and tried to help her with me. Lisa, don't do the extreme experiments and Lily, don't leave dirty diapers on the ground. (Luna and Leni leaves in disgust; In his room, Lincoln is crying on his bed). Lincoln decides to take advantage anyway. Now beat it, twerp, before I literally turn you into a human pretzel! There's literally nothing embarassing about this.". I want to thank Harvey Beaks Number 1 Fan for this title. He knew he'd be in for some serious teasing if Lori saw him getting scared. Staff Member #2: "You kids are coming with us. Lori opens the door and enters Lincoln's room with a smile on her face. Isn't that funny? Tears started to seep from Lincoln's eyes, as if the force of Lori's embrace was squeezing them out. Wanna give it a go?". Luna: Oh comon Leni! Lucy: "So Lincoln. It'll never be perfect in this house, but you girls sure know how to make it up, Lincoln gives her a warm smile, making her smile too. Sometimes I felt stressedknowing that I have to watch over a lot of siblings. I still remember when I was hostile towards you for no reason, and when I made you guys do chores and other favors so I could give you rides. (Leni and Luna take a ticket and the three share a group hug), (The three got out of the house and walk to the movies; It shows the others, sans Lucy, are in the living room). Lori: (in her head) "Wow. (Everyone leaves to their rooms except for Lori, Leni, and Luna who are sleeping in Lincoln's bed to keep him company). LINCOLN: Yep. ", Lori: "Well, I actually wanted to see this movie myself. When boys get to Lincoln's age it's important for them to be taught boundaries and what's appropriate in regards to touching others. You have nothing to worry about. Specifically the scene where Lori puts lotion on Lincoln without his consent and then asks him to put lotion on her. ", Lori: "Well, duh. Do you have fun doing this?! I was wondering if you would like to sleepin my room for tonight. Not only that, but he sees a face of fear in the rest of the sisters, Lucy: Don't worry sister. "I will always remember and recover, but i'll never forgive and forget!" Rita and Lynn Sr. had decided to drive across town to see a Thankful Corpses concert, leaving Lori as the head of the household. (The others agreed and Lucy appear out of nowhere). Lori wakes up with an annoyed look on her face. (She cries and run to her room in sorrow). Lori looks over at the clock and it shows 8:24 p.m. Lori: Eh..Alright fine, but I want you home by 9:30! ", Lincoln: *sighs* "It's fine. Mike punches Lincoln all over hisupper bodyanda couple times in his face. I'm just looking out for my little brother.". Maybe you should take him out for a day. Chapter 728: Lincoln, Leni, Luan and Lori. He lies right next to her and Lori puts her blanket over them. Until then, your big brother's got your back. Lincoln smells bad? It's pretty rare for the sisters to express some kind of love, but the thought of making a card for her made Lori even more happy. I wonder why wehaven't beenhanging out lately as much as we used to. Butthings still tend to get out of control, like the whole Sweet Spot fiasco, the time we fought over money, the time Leni and I fought over a stupid dress and then we all started arguing, and that's only naming a few. Maybe they're right, I should leave. Lincoln gives Lori a pleading look. Luna, you can play some music, but you can turn it up to 11. My sixth fanfic. Lincoln, remembering why he's with her in the first place, heads toward the card. Then the staff came in and took those boys away. ", Lincoln looked back up at Lori, peering at her with curiosity. Lincoln's voice trailed off as another thought crossed his mind. We won't be out too long. "This one's a classic," she said. There is silence between themfor afew seconds. "I'm up for it.". Leni: So.What do you think of the card? ", Lincoln: "Why did we even go there in the first place? Lisa: Thank you, it should keep her passed out for 10 minutes! Lori gets out of the car and walks to the passenger side where Lincoln is sitting. Lori runs off the find Lincoln. Now we won't be able to see each other for a long time.". Lori: Alright, you girls and guy can do some activities, but it's not gonna be the extreme way that you do it. You're not bad luck. penn township hanover, pa map . I'm peachy. ", Lori: (slightly annoyed) "Well, excuse me for caring about my little brother! Log In Sep 16, 2021 After he finishes, he makes his way to the door, but just before he leaves, three teenage boys enter the restroom and stand in front of Lincoln giving him a threatening look. I'm sorry, Lori.". Title and idea suggested by Aartistboy714, so credits go to him. It cuts to Lori in her room. strict. What is it? ", Lori began to rub her hand in a circular motion across Lincoln's back. Lori smiles from what Lincoln said and wraps her arms around him. Lincoln: Hey, Lori? Right now, Lynn is talking about soccer pactice. Keeping Lori's plan a secret for the remainder of the night was a challenge, to say the least. Everything seem to be clear as he took a breathe of relief. (cries) Lincoln: Lori, please don't cry. have been thinking about it and we decided that we need some time to ourselves, so we're gonna be going to a hotel for the weekend. 10 minutes later, Lori wakes up in a daze, As her vision fades in, she finds herself tied up in a chair, She looks up, to see none other than her sisters, giving her cold stares. As they sat together, the story Lori told him played over and over in his head. Now she's away, and I won't see her for a long time. Lincoln: Please don't hate me. Lynn punches Lincoln in the arm, causing him to hold it in pain. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm starting to think that maybe I'm not a good big sister after all.". I was thinking that maybe we could spend a little time together after lights out. Press J to jump to the feed. LUCY: Don't remind me, Luan. Alright, I'll do it. It didn't take long for Lincoln to get shivery and jittery. In just a second, they sorround him. We bet 50 dollars that you would win. I will always protect you. said Lori, who responded by tightening her grip. I'm scared to sleep alone. Lori hugs him back comfortingly, Lincoln: "I'm so glad you came, Lori! Lincoln: This is "Sir Hugs-A-Lot" by Omega Ultra! As time went on and mom and dad were having more kids, I was feeling pressured because, like, I'm the oldest of a lot of siblings. Lori: "I'm just making sure you're having a good time. Lincoln leans closer. We all do our individual jobs! Lincoln and Lori were that moved by the touching sequence, so much that they've turned into emotional wrecks. Pretty soon, I'll be in college. I hope they'll be fine. Understand? Lincoln wraps his arms around Lori. "No, it's okay, it's okay!" Lori gets up and runs towards the water, leaving Lincoln behind. I'm sure they'd like to have a talk with you. It's gonna take a couple of days for that to heal! ", Lori: "What do I- Lincoln. The staff members look atthe teensand they grab them. (In Hazeltucky, night, Lincoln is resting at the motel and eating pizza). He's your brother and you just mess with him?! That's when the episode ends. He then pull up his poster to used the cord to reveal the inflatable slide). He can see Lori frown, while she stares at her sprained ankle. Lori pulls a bottle of sunscreen out of her purse. "And I missed having you hold me like this, too. Lincoln looks up at Lori, who has a worried look on her face. A few minutes later we see the familysitting in the dining room eating meatloaf. Before she could get into the kitchen, she sees Lola with a glass of milk in her hands. Lincoln grabs his pillow ad follows Lori to her and Leni's room. She opens it up and starts to read, I know you are pretty mad at us, and we don't blame you. "I know you're nervous. And you and Ronnie Anne got to see each other one more time. Lori: I think it's the best apology I could ever have! with him! That was a month ago! Time seemed to stand still as the two of them held onto each other; neither of them were sure that they would ever want to let go. I DON'T NEED A SCIENTIFIC REASON! Young Lori: "I love you too, little bro.". I haven't thought of that. LANA: I got a little hungry. LINCOLN: (he escapes the carnage) What wrong with you guys?! Her command was delivered in such a terse, succinct manner that it was difficult to discern her intent. Lori is nearly done with the hallway, but feels her foot step on something. Sorry, Lincoln. As much as he feared what she had in store for him, he was even more afraid of what she'd do if he disobeyed her, so he followed along. LORI: (in tears) I heard what you said and you was right! You don't want my back to get burned, do you? Lay down your head and sleep. Lincoln: "No fair, Lori! I think he could really use some comfort from his big sister.". Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! This eased Lincoln's feelings of unease, to the point that he was able to return to a normal breathing pattern. As she reached the last four steps, some of the flour got under her shoe, causing her to slip again. We're all here for you. (He took a photo from his backpack and the photo is him and his sisters), (He place the photo and the desk and he went to sleep), (Back at the house, Lucy, who on the couch, is still crying while Luan comforting her). ", Lincoln: "Well, I am. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Mike: "I'm Mike. the younger siblings announced in unison (sans Lily, who just gave it her best shot). LUNA: What is the matter with you? "I guess not.". Once he got within arm's reach, she put her arm around him and pulled him close, letting him rest his head on her shoulder. Talking to Bobby was the only thing she did on the weekends. She began the evening as she typically did - clad in army fatigues, with her trusty whistle around her neck and her younger siblings lined up against the wall in order of age. Just then, she hears a groan from Lincoln's room. Luan: And if she does, I bet Lincoln wont let us pass! Lincoln holds on to the side of the doorway. That, and a glimpse at the back of the case revealed that the film was rated PG, so he could at least be reassured that it wouldn't be as gruesome. A night of TV and junk food, free from the rigid confines of his bedtime, all courtesy of his big sister? Oh boy, was she mad! I'd almost forgotten how snuggly you are.". Lori's expression changed when she heard that. Can she make things right or will her life continue . Also, that time when all of you arguing was partially my fault. Lisa: I shouldn't have ventured off into believing in superstitions. "I'm glad you asked," Lori whispered back. So much for being able to handle our teasing. (It starts the living room where Lincoln, holding a bowl of popcorn, is watching ARGGH!). If I overhear you fighting over the remote, I will take possession of it for the remainder of the night. Along with this being standard fare for fanfics that venture into mature/adult territory it's inappropriate for someone Lori's age to be touching her much younger than her sibling in that manner and for him to be touching her that way. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. I was the one who started it, anyway, and now, I regret this. After they finished eating the two get inside Vanzillaand head to the cinema to watch a movie. Lincoln glanced around the room as his sisters came marching back in. ", Lincoln: "Well, Lori and I were at the cinema, waiting in line. As always, Lori's in charge and you must listen to her. Moments later, flour pours onto her, getting into her eyes. Once the movie was over, Lincoln continued to hold onto Lori, as he was still shaken by the preceding two hours. It's okay. Physical pain isn't eternal, like emotional, They try picking her up, but Lori isn't having it, They all drop her as soon as she lashes out. When he looked to his right, he saw Lori looking over at him, giving him a smile - a warm one, completely devoid of any trace of malice, mischief or condescension. Since everyone else is able to handle it, I always thought you could handle it too. Sorry, As they inspect her more, they hear the front door open and see Lincoln walk in, not aware of what happened, Lincoln: (off guard) Hey Lori, I decided to come back earlier than you let me st-, Lincoln is shocked to see Lori cover in flour, on the ground in pain. Tomorrow, I'm gonna take Lincoln out to some fun places and have a good time with him. The two continue to dance. (Lucy smiles in triumph and Lincoln pops back up with another ticket). ", Lincoln: "Looks like this is a good time for me to use the bathroom. (Hops on the bed) I can stay here. "You you mean it?" By Posted google sheets script get row number In los angeles skateboard deck With that, Lori blew her whistle, and the rest of the family scattered around the living room. "O-okay!" Don't bother looking for me and if you guys, except Luna and Leni, get grounded by Mom and Dad, you guys only have yourselves to blame. "Yes, ma'am!" Even though I hate him, I still love him. It occurred to him that he was still holding on to this sense of shame and insecurity that he had no need for at the moment. LENI: I heard what you said at the funeral. Mike punches Lincoln in his gut. Now that you'll excuse me, I got a show to watch! We should have known better than to call you bad luck. Someday, you'll be too. That was amazing! This was almost too good to be true. "Ready for the movie?" Simpsonsfanatic33. (The owner kicks Lincoln out of the motel and he landed on the sidewalk), (The owner toss Lincoln his backpack at him), (He step on something, which is his family photo, he pick it up and he looked at the photo, it says "To the best brother in the world, The Loud Sisters"; It starts raining and Lincoln break into tears). Lori: (irritated) What about the others?! The Louds have a hot tub for a week. They notice their mother sitting at the dining room table reading a book. (She takes his soda) Now, this is mine. Lincoln: No need! I know you miss Ronnie Anne.". When boys get to Lincoln's age it's important for them to be taught boundaries and what's appropriate in regards to touching others. Lincoln: "Yeah. There's nothing here to dread. ", Lori: "Lincoln. Heartwarmed by this, Lori manages to pull Lincoln into a hug, ignoring the slight pain she felt in her ankle. It was my fault! LUCY: It's more sad to see Luna and Leni missing Lincoln. Rita: "Well, Lori already taught them a lesson. ", Her smile widened as she gazed down at her little brother, and she began to run her fingers through his hair again. LINCOLN: (laughs) That was the best episode ever! Why you couldn't you four be nice to him for once?! He didn't smell bad at dinner. It's one of those zombie games. He then felt a ginger tap on his shoulder, which shocked him enough to elicit a gasp and a shudder. The girls are at the bottom of the staircase, looking at each other in shame. Royal Woods, Michigan.) We should have known better than to call you bad luck. "Not you, Lincoln. Neverbeen better. Lori: Why not? The two enter the cinema andlook at what movies are playing. ", Leni: "Funk? His living room had gotten smaller as all of them slowly grew up. Lincoln: (sarcastic) Now isn't that love right there? Unbeknownst to him, Lori was standing right in front of his door and heard everything he said, she has a look on her face that looked like she was going to cry. It occurred to him that his source of comfort wasn't going to be around for much longer, as her first semester of college was just around the corner. ", Bobby: "No problem, Babe. All five of his older siblings, to their credit, did their fair share of work looking after him. We all miss and/or love Lincoln. She falls asleep and the two sleep togther in each others' arms for the rest of the night. "Not so loud!" Didwe really think we could convince them not to move? By the end of it, he's smiling, Lori grabs the card and sees a flower on the cover. : It was Lucy who clogged the toilet and read Princess Pony, (After reading the letter, Leni break down into tears and leave, all of them feel regretful for what they did to their brother). If you want to play in the mud, do it outside. Please?". What do you want from me? ", Lori: "No need to thank me. Aren't you happy for them? Lori: "Hey Lincoln. LORI: You snooze, you lose! "So here's the deal," she said. IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW! Lori let go of his wrist and started up the stairs, motioning for him to follow her. ", Lincoln: "As much as I hate to admit it, yes, that wasme. After rubbing her back for a few seconds, Lori sits up. Lori looks sad, but Lincoln looks at her with a smile. Be good to Lori, They both exit the house and Lori blows her whistle. LUAN: Don't worry, Lucy, he'll come back. I watch Dream Boat with you and our sisters. Bobby: "Wow. Commentary is acceptable. Lori puts her hands on Lincoln's shoulders and looks at him with pleading eyes. Only because I don't want my phone taken away! I swept the ball away from her and kicked it right into the goal!". The bad luck fiasco will never happen again. Suddenly, Lincoln felt a pang of sadness clutching his heart. ", Lynn Sr.: "But son, it's a little bit early to go to bed. Before they went back up to the house, Hermione gripped Ron tightly in her arms in a fierce hug. As much as he feared what she had in store for him, he was even more afraid of what she'd do if he disobeyed her, so he followed along. (In Luna and Luan's room, Luna is sadly strumming her guitar and Leni comes in). The family still wanted to talk to him, but thought maybe it was best to not bother him andleave him be for now. ", Lincoln: "Uhh, yeah. Next morning, we see Lincoln in his bed, reading a comic book. Lori (laughing): I know right? Justdon't ever think you need to deal with things like this alone. Bobby: "Wow. Lori: "Wanna play at littleVolley Ball?". Let that sink in, and pray that Lori forgives you in some way, because as long as she's mad, i'm mad! (Lincoln is infuriated and kicked Lynn's soccer ball and it hit Lily's face), (Lincoln gasps and runs to Lily to make sure she okay, but the girls, except Leni and Luna, attacked him viciously). LINCOLN: I can't believe them! The two of them shared one last hug before she hoisted him onto his bed, tucked him in and pecked him on the forehead. Lori: "Isn't this nice, Lincoln? Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. "I-I can't believe I said that. There's still times where I bullied you too, and after today, I now know what it feels like, and i'm deeply sorry. "You may disperse as soon as I blow my whistle," she said, as she kept a watchful eye on each sibling to make sure they didn't budge until she gave the command. Pillow soft and deep. Let's go blast some zombies.". Description. Well, what are you gonna do about it, little man?". Lincoln whispered as they walked into the living room. Things were going nuts. ", Lori: "Lincoln. Lincoln: Look, if you're all angry about how Lori acts towards us, then go bother her, not me! (Lincoln screams at the heavens, as lighting strikes), (Lincoln runs from the motel and back to Royal Woods), (Leni is sitting on the couch, depressed, and holding a picture of her, Luna, and Lincoln, Luna walks in). And it looks like he needs it now more than ever. Lori: (in her head) This is really stupid! She didn't want her phone taken away. *sigh* And I've been real harsh to you guys before. Watching them suffer?! she hissed. Lori lead him into her room and promptly locked the door behind them. Get him to open up about how he feels. Plus, when was the last time you and Lincoln hung out together, just you two? Lori: It's alright Lincoln. there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story Part 3 of The Multiverse Saga Language: English Words: whispered Lincoln, inching across the couch towards her. If you don't want to though, that's fine. Lincoln looks at Lori with a smile. Lola: (sarcastic) Wow, Lori being nice, it must be a blue moon tonight! I won't! He received hugs from his sisters all the time, but it was rare that he got to experience this level of physical intimacy - his arms wrapped snug around his big sister, his head resting gently against her chest, with nary a sound but the soothing, rhythmic thumping of her heart. Bedtime is at 9:00 sharp. Is anything broken?! I thought I would be an emotionalwreck without you here, but Lincoln seems to be having it worse than me. The three guys crack their knuckles. He won't even tell anyone. (Lincoln is walking in the hallway, a crack noise is heard, he stepped on something, which reveals to be Lola tiara), (Lola has seen everything and stand there in shock for a couple of seconds), (Lola then show an enraged expression; Leni pops up). ", Lori giggled, ruffling his hair. It's literally a three-hour drive away from here. Duncan and Drake lets Lincoln go runs towards her in an attempt to attack her, but Lori quickly grabs the two and makes them headbutt each other, hurting them a lot. And besides, maybe spiders aren't so bad after all. It's not your fault. Leni:"So, what did you and Bobby talk about? Not only that, they threatened to tell Mom and Dad that I broke the golf club and get them to take away my phone so I can't talk to Bobby! LYNN: Just go already and leave! Leni (angry): I hope you are happy now! ", Lori: "It's okay. That sounds nice. You'rebright. You want to watch that? I'm here. ", Lori giggled. It feels good to be needed, you know? Hopefully, it'll get him out of his funk. And I thought I could get through this by myself, but as time went on, I just kept feeling worse. Lynn Sr: Uh.right. I've been keepingitfrom you guys for a while. They made bigger messes when I was cleaning up! Lincoln drew back a little and locked eyes with Lori once again, his curiosity piqued.

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