Posted by on March 6, 2023

Its nothing new mostly because reality consciousness Samsara is projected into is also part of core consciousness in every human being, a consciousness which is not ego or personality. It can also carry out a multiplicity of tasks, as for example, causing massive flying objects to be levitated and maneuvered. Please read above the reply to Dale about the navet of most people with superior education on these unusual topics. I want to learn about the universe and our own planet. Im very interested in this manuscript. My group or family lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. Multitudinous incongruities and the overstepping of bounds of the treaties by both sides finally led to an altercation between you and the extraterrestrials, which culminated in the lift-off of three of the alien aerial objects through a special how do you say it? EMP {electromagnetic pulse} weapon and a military skirmish at one of their underground installations. If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that cant be all bad. Instead, you provide paragraphs and pages of gibberish and rehashed not even very creative science-fiction babble. According to our history and belief, this was the time when our final reptilian race as you see me today was created by use of genetic engineering. And if I were to truly abide by her wish to have free will, then I say we need to contact them, and we need to contact them yesterday. You have to imagine for yourself the viewpoint of the more highly advanced creatures. I have my full-blown chakra opening in 2004, I had a date dump of all that was, is and will be. Should I continue? It was by means of that device that you saw for the first time that you had understood the entire concept fully incorrectly and that you had reconstructed it fully incorrectly. Animals in a very large lab. Its possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. ), Transcript of Interview (Shortened Version). It is important what we want to be and how we want to be. These layers contain information, as an example, about the simple structure of matter or the string frequency, but also there is stored information stemming from the development of matter. I am. It would be too difficult for me to explain you now our very old social system which is very complex and we would need many hours only for the primary things. Its a typical case of half-truth meets half-fiction. Answer: Some observed UFOs as you call them belong to us, but most not. Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. Planet Earth was on its own again and the animals on the surface died. There is a powerful device inside each craft which is able to send an artificial signal to your minds to convince you, that you see either nothing but only the sky or that you see normal aircraft like planes instead of our ships. Answer: How am I supposed to answer that? I think she still has hope for mankind, and either we will choose a camp or we will be caught in the middle. It contained also a description of the animals and saurians on earth, including our pre-intelligent ancestor species. Dont expect any help from them. Those ships were able to be recovered from the crashes relatively intact. We are acquainted with theory and practice. Im not saying it is impossible but in comparison more exists than the other. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Thank you for publishing this for public use, without it I would have never found the truth. I found a lot of things, what make more sense now. I have never met Lacerta in person. I would be honored to learn more if you will permit me. I would also like to know more about our hair and its purpose. The aliens used powerful sonic weapons to destroy our underground cities but on the other hand we were able to destroy many of their surface installations and bases in space. Generally speaking, a picture is all the more a fake, the clearer the outline and the colors are, because a levitating ship is generally hidden in a shifted-field condition that even distorts the colors or the forms according to alignment. This would mean that I would meet with you two or three and learn. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always situated as the first construction together with the security of the ceiling. But your kind has always been ignorant and has from time immemorial tried to play around with forces which you have not even understood. At her request, the original text of 31 pages was sanitised. As I have said, most of the alien races have much more advanced mind abilities than you or even me (there is just one alien race completely without such abilities). Each life develops with time its own sense of balance in how much of ourselves, our heart and strength that we freely would offer to another without thought of due recompense. Most likely, if the aliens had not descended to planet Earth, things would have gone differently for better or for worse. I would love to personally speak with her. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and, biologically speaking, is passed down as an information genome from generation to generation. It doesnt have to be anything special! Some time ago I came across the Lacerta Interview and after two years of further investigation and digging deeply into Tom Campbells MBT Theory, I rediscovered the significance and consistency of the information given in the Lacerta interview. I'm in fact insistent to the interview, and though it leaves a lot of questions, like why would they hide in caves. In no way, shape or form, do I feel the need to kill them or let them be killed. The Illojim returned within 23,000 years seven times and accelerated the evolution speed of certain of your kind. The following is certainly difficult to understand and to believe for someone who hasnt experienced it, but I was really in contact with her mind and Im now completely sure that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world. The timelines she references cannot be ignored regarding the last 5000 years. This explanation presumably sounds to you like as you say something esoteric or from the occult or magic. At the moment it is probably true that they lack some of the technical possibilities and the large amount of forces which they need in order to achieve their goals directly. This species used an alignment technology in their ships, with which the field locked into place all points of the Earths magnetic field. Obviously its a viewpoint formed by how youre being treated by that species. Pienso que ellos tienen mucho para ensearnos y nosotros podramos tambien mejorar su calidad de vida, pues si aman el sol, no es justo ni necesario de que se escondan. Hopefully Ill hear from some one soon. Follow me on the Facebook wall Brother Veritus Website (, on Twitter as Luis Prada@BrotherVeritusW and on the YouTube channel Brotherveritusweb. One was from Mars and the other native to Earth. According to what I heardwhat members of my species were told by members of that governmentit resulted in an unintentional activation of one of the drives components in the unshielded condition. Im trying the exact same thing, man, contact me on FB. It was told to you that the higher the ordinal or ranking number of basic matter, the simpler the heightening of the condition, but that is only partially correct. I just want to express some insights based on your comment. Answer: I know that it would be helpful to prove the authenticity of this interview if you can make some photos from me. Wouldnt it be humane to offer these several surviving reptilians some kind of above ground home and some kind of support to live normal life among and alongside humans? Like most of us would do. It is of an old saying that a stranger is potentially simply a friend that we have not yet met along our life's journey. This business of races, patriotism, flags and borders is only to control the sheeple. Thank you for sharing! Looks like science found something in Peru. If we cannot do that we are most certainly doomed. Question: Youve mentioned skeletons of your kind. Are you familiar with the human concept of morphogenetic fields? One part of the layer could be designated as such. The first advanced humans (who lived at the same time with less-developed pre-humans, because the Illojim had experimented with different speeds and stages of evolution) with technology and speech existed around 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists have not understand this, because theyve found only the bones of the pre-humans and some primitive cave drawings showing advanced humans and flying devices.) Regards, Wiggan. You have next to no chances on the surface of recognizing us. The repelling field must of course lie in the absolute correct angle to the surface of the Earth. Even if human beings have been tampered with, its all still part of Samsara. This construction does not make the system better, only more unstable. When that day has come, when we will see the world as One and with Love, we would have evolved more than what I described above. This conception is really very primitive. The concept is very familiar and probably related. The only thing I find a bit off-putting or perhaps more disappointing than off-putting, is the fact that the original interviews where carried out back end of 1999 and front end of 2000, over 17 years ago. They had left the planet for a duration of some thousand years also earlier, so we expect their return one day in future to end their project or to maybe extinct also the seventh breed, but we dont really know what have happened to them (to answer this question of you in advance). It began with a failure of my telephone for several hours. If she is correct, we are in a war. The oldest religions in the world dont even worship beings, they simply try to point you to the true nature of your own consciousness. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species alike both good and evil individuals; its even true of your own people; but there is NO such thing as an absolutely evil species. Question: Where can we find such a surface-near entry to your world? In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government I dont want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. Good questions, No. The (field of influence) our people have a word for this (FIRMAMENT). You falsify sometimes the pattern of genuine ships; therefore, it is not so easy simply with absolute certainty to identify an object. For this statement will hold absolute fact. You must have been looking for some sort of answers. Jimmy Bergman, Owner, Sweden. We are native terrans. To be honest, its not very comfortable for me to wear such tight things and it is always a very unusual feeling. I have something inside that I want to ask but I dont what is it. What they see as good or for the good of others, might not be too good for you. If you really want to try to see one of our craft, you should have a look at the skies over the Arctic, the Antarctic and over Inner Asia (especially over the mountains there.). That building has a very special name and religious significance. I have heard of this saying. The wisdom traditions and their followers have been talking about them since the earliest recordings. We cant live completely vegetarian like your kind because our digestion would stop working and we would die after some weeks or maybe months without flesh. By the way, the words of people who have characterized me as a Creature of Evil have their basis in the belief in occult powers and magic both of which things DO NOT exist. Hello, I am young man from Slovakia. This can cause no harm to us, but we feel much better in the sun. We suppose that the coming war between the three races or between you and one or all of them will be fought for raw material, hydrogen, air and DNA. I think generally thats true. This building interrupts the concentric system of the colony with its diameter of about 250 meters. Your questions do not overbear me since I dont drink the Cool Aid nor take the blue pill. Your enemies are already here and you have not understood. I understand if they don't care. The plate contained detailed descriptions of both species (but more about the humanoids) and about the events and weapons, including the fusion bomb. The reptilian race has been active for a very long time. Sienten ellos amor? Apr 28 2021 Length: 1 hr and 41 mins Podcast Listen for free View show details Summary In 1999, Swedish men Ole K. and E.F. managed to score an interview with a Reptilian alien. Of course at the time, he did not really recognize who I was; he was totally convinced that he was talking with a creature of his own kind, although it was simply only a mimicry image. According to our limited knowledge about the early days this global war was the first alien war on planet earth but it was definitely not the last (and a future war is coming soon, while a cold war as you call it between alien groups is ongoing since the last 73 years on your planet.) How easy it would be if you are what you claim to provide real meaningful information. I would like to know more but I fear that my research will not get so many fruits. Lets call it a para-layer, for this layer is mainly responsible for everything which you call PSI and paranormal and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. Read above replies I made to similar questions you ask. In my town to the west there is a small cave opening. It is difficult to describe something like that to you, for it is a completely different set of surroundings and culture from what you are accustomed to in your life on the surface. In the message of St. Germain given in this channeling youll see the future of humanity: That is difficult to explain and for you to understand. The person on top of that research as a coordinator has been Jaime Maussn, the Mexican UFO researcher, who flew to Nazca with a group of researchers and archaeologists. How would the human race leaders treat a less intelligent life form if they came across it, would they act benevolent and kindly or trick them into giving up their precious resources from their planet if there was gain to be made from it? Have you met with her since? I have told you before, that we have more advanced mental abilities than your species and with more advanced I mean, that we are able to use telepathy and telekinesis from our birth on (in fact, mother and new-born child communicate generally with telepathy during the first months) without special training as you need it to activate these sleeping parts of your brain. Very important: dont close your eyes (this would lead to a different form of brain waves which are more easy to access) and dont sit or lay down to rest. I do believe that there are evil reptilians among us taking the place of elites and high-end celebrities. My friend and I wonder about Satan and if there is levels of evil in this universe and we are reaching out for answers to know if there is something more evil than Satan. Question: No, not now. I think it would be important for her to understand that in our multi-plural society there is no single response to any test balloon provided by her. Therefore, I am looking for the original version. I would also like to know, considering her near condescending tone at times, as well as what I can infer as a consideration of humans to be a sub-par species, as to what her opinion is on the advancements in other areas we have made thus far would be, as well as to whether or not her race or any other would consider human intelligence and potential remarkable. You asked me last time whether you people have the opportunity to protect yourselves against this influence, and I told you that only an awake and concentrated mind had any kind of a chance to withstand it. For those of Gullible Mind I recommend reading the article The Gullible Mind Explained at Even today you still dont have it right.) Does this truly mean that the Illojim has created us and are observing us from somewhere? I would like so much to ask questions about his species, how to help them to restore this earth to them, some questions about humanity and maybe find some hope or knowledge. We are the native terrans and we live on that planet since millions of years. Maybe there is hope for your kind. If you have made it up you have done some great research. Question: What will happen when the war begins? They are available from for free reading. Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. Para tal fin y para adems pagar deudas krmicas y aprender sus lecciones hemos optado por reencarnar en este planeta, fue nuestra eleccin. The external reproduction organs are for both sexes smaller than those of humans, but they are visible and they have the same function as yours (another gift of evolution to our species.). Step 5: When the conversion is completed, click "DOWNLOAD" button to save the file As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence {Feldraum} between the morphogenetic information layers and the matter layers and can interact with respect to both sides. When there are meetings between your kind and aliens which seem to look exactly like yours, these aliens have used that switch and some of the meetings with man-like aliens can be also explained with meetings with my kind.) Your scientists have not really understood the true nature of the universe, because your illogical mind is not able to see the easiest things and relies on wrong mathematics and numbers. To dig deep into the universe and its secrets you need to research using official science and metaphysical literature. What is publicly available about antigravity technology informs us that a ship within a sufficiently powerful magnetic field could travel from one end of our solar system to the other in a relatively short time, its occupants unaffected by velocity. We, as knowledge seekers, should assist each other but on the other hand seekers of truth are often shut up by higher beings of authority. During the next 20 million years this species was divided by nature into 27 sub-species (unfortunately, former reptilian species were prone to divide themselves in a more or less illogical way into sub-species during the evolution process. Again, how evolved is that? Answer: I can attempt to do so, but I certainly will not tell you where this place is located. Just a minuteI have to try to convert the measurements approximately into your units. Thank you for your patience, Miss Lacerta, in sharing your own thoughts in visiting with us in absentia. However, that can sooner lead to unpleasant consequences for the infiltrator. The station is driven by fusion as its base and it supplies the colony and the suns with energy. In the first place, why did you come to Lacerta or why did she come to you. Fact is that we dont know what had really happened. I believe that they believe we are not done evolving. The Founders: Earth History Part 1 & 2 The Founders: Earth History Part 3 & 4 The Founders: Earth History Part 5 & 6 The Founders: Earth History Part 7 & 8 The Founders: Earth History Part 9 & 10 The Founders: Economics The Founders: Law of Attraction The Founders: Politics At first, they caught around 10,000 or maybe even 20,000 of your simian ancestors and they left the planet for some hundred years. You must understand that I cant give you permission to make photos of me or of my equipment. Check out also the BVW Facebook wall, join it to post info and comments there and ask questions. When we are on the surface and we meet human beings (even a large group of them this makes no difference. At home theyve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. Everything I have told you in the last two hours is the absolute truth about our world. I bet some of the foreign governments and citizens would have no problem with that. I live in a small town, sometimes while in my home i hear voices comeing from the crawlspace. Well, then you have an approximate impression of what happened. How do you feel about humankind and what are the steps necessary to dig deeper into the universe and its secrets? This interview with this Lacerta had me at the edge of my seat. . The other exterior differences from your kind are minor and I think I must not mention all now, because most of them are not visible if we wear clothing. If you dont believe me, have a look at your history and you will see the truth in my words. Sometimes the abductors belong to another and more advanced race and they just want to study your body and your mind (which is more interesting for some of them than your solid body) as you would study a primitive animal. It was exactly 4,943 years ago according to your time scale that the Illojim left the planet again for unknown reasons (this is a very important date for us, because many of our historians called it a victory.) Many bones of us were used for Iguanodon reconstructions, for example the hands with the visible thumb (look at an Iguanodon in a museum and you will see that Im right.) Many people might be able to detect a high pitch ringing in the ears which may be them. Question: Ive read your full statement (which you have given to E.F.) about this, but can you give me now just a short answer: are UFOs real flying objects piloted by extraterrestrials or do they belong to your species? It depends on the enemy race and on their tactic. Underneath that highest point in every colony there stands a special whitish-gray cylindrical buildinga kind of supporting column which holds the honeycomb net-carrying structure of the dome. because i need advice. Social Studies, my ass. I delineate the coming changes in my book Brother Veritus Community Plan. Even those extraterrestrial species which are inclined to act with antagonism towards you are not Species of the Evil One, even though they operate negatively with respect to your own race. 148 millions of years time for the evolution of animal-like mammals, 2 millions of years time for the development of (more or less) intelligent beings like you? Now this layer is not limited only to the individual, but rather as a part of a general information layer you could call it in a prosaic sense the community soul that is connected with all animate and inanimate matter and all consciousness which exist on this main level. The buildings of the first breeds are lost, but the fifth civilization was the one, which built the large triangular constructions you call Egyptian Pyramids today around 75,000 years ago (your Egyptians just found that large ancient pyramids in the sand and tried not very successful to built similar constructions) and the sixth civilization was the one, which built the cities which ruins you can find today beneath the sea in the so-called Bimini Area around 16,000 years ago. Unfortunately, if I read the entire transcript and (much more) this All The other species - about which we know not so Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of they need in order to achieve their goals . I keep watching for more material on Lacerta available on the web and certainly would add it to the present one in BVW. Can you explain? I myself find the information informative and instructive. Why have nobody seen and described a being like you if your kind lives already since our creation together with us on the same planet. This sounds very unbelievable to me. These four white and very long processes on the underside of the ship itself portray a kind of quasi-gravitational light manipulation, i.e., the universal force field is being shifted in the direction of a simulated gravity. Thanks could relate and prove a lot of your facts so have to do doubt in your interview. I believe her testimony I have no reason not to and I have always known that we are not alone and for any human to even think for a moment that we are on own shows how ignorant they are. We are in the End Times and Judgment Day is coming. We are all fucked. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960s and the 1970s. If we are all considered basically mindless apes what makes one human more interesting to communicate to? I have a gut feeling this is factual and Im someone who has a lot of answers. I believe she has. Me too, I would like so much to meet Lacerta. The color is even differentiated according to circle and distance from the main column. That is Neve McIntosh covered in special effects makeup to play Restac in the excellent Doctor Who episodes "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood". I'm concerned because her behavior towards the interviewer made her opinion on us seem really passive. The current theory is, that both species had ceased to exist during the millions of years. Share to Facebook. One thing first before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous to you that such highly developed extraterrestrial ships simply crash, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short amount of time. In the years 1946 to 1953 in your time scale, there were five cases where extraterrestrial ships crashed to the surface of the Earth. As long as you will not understand and believe my words I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy as long there is danger for your species. As I have said earlier we have a very difficult and unique name. Question: Do you think anyone will believe that this interview is the truth? Question: First of all, who are you and what are you? What is the purpose of giving an interview anyway? These were indeed not the first crashes, but by that time the second and the third. The surviving humanoids on earth obviously died in the years after the bomb and others of their kind and the reptilians never came back to Earth (as far as we know). Read David Icke. I think that 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in that lab. If we are not alone, and are indeed a lower species, can we live comfortably knowing this? Though, progress only is not being made due to our so called "conditioning," and already well understood (to me at least) ignorance. Our five fingers are a little bit longer and thinner than human fingers and our skin on the palm is plain, so we have no lines like you but again a combination of a scale-like skin structure and of the brown dots (both sexes have the dots on the palm) and we have no fingerprints like you.

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