Posted by on March 6, 2023

Hi, I have submitted my manuscript on 29, September 2022. Regards, Regarding your procedure, it takes 1-2 days to display the final decision. According to information from this link, , the submission decision days is 38 days and based on information from the website , it is said that manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 16 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.3 days. Once you are logged in, you can access your manuscript submission. Otherwise, you can keep up to date with the status of your paper by checking SuSy, MDPIs submission system. If you have any questions specific to your paper, please reach out to the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript. For the abstract submission deadline, you only need to prepare an abstract of your planned paper. Im from Palestine (where the world considers it as a low-bank country) and Im a PhD student. A professional Layout Editor is now working on the formatting. Any pending edits or misunderstandings will be addressed via email before the paper is published to avoid post-publication edits. How can I apply all my reviewer discount vouchers to reduce the APC to 0 CHF? I submitted the manuscipt on 30th May 2022 to Journal of Clinical Medicine, now more than 5 weeks passed but status in the system still under review. Is it possible to request for a second authors proof? However, I understand that you have been waiting for a while now. We respectfully request the withdrawal of the dissertation. It is already more than three weeks since my manuscript was submitted, but there is still no feedback from editorial office and the status is still Under review. What does it mean? This is inclusive of weekends and holidays. Reasons added to the comment section by the editor was that the paper isnt ready for publication. Typically, abstracts are online 2-3 days after publication, with the article showing up shortly thereafter. Because this step is out of MDPIs hands, delays can sometimes be slightly longer. The rejection letter from the Editorial Office will contain important information and instructions for you to follow. Thank you. Hello, Will the reviewer again make comments (which will take 3 more days) or it will directly go for editors decision? Now our paper is accepted, but as I ask from the Section Managing Editor about the author addition. We are sure you will get better answers and possible solutions from her. Hi i submitted my paper in mdpi energies special issue on 26 september 2022 and my status is remain same as pending for your untill today. Congratulations! MDPI prides itself on the high speed and flexibility of its publication. You can use any number of discount vouchers from MDPI peer review. Hi, Hello, I have selected a wrong journal while submitting my manuscript, how can I withdraw it and how long it will take to withdraw it. Now its more than 21 days. I want to know if this decision was made by the SI GE or others. Four reviewers gave good reviews and recommended the manuscript for publication. Otherwise, we will send all co-authors a daily reminder. Congrats! However, it can take slightly longer in some circumstances. But one reviewer gave -ve report. I submitted my paper on Deecmber 19th and after one month of review , the status is showing as pending decions since more than 5 days after one round of review. In my paper, In round two, Reviewer 1 and Reviewer two have warranted publication of our paper and Reviewer 3 has not shown his comments. Please can you tell me when my paper will be indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. Revised version reviews take about three working days to complete. We find the automatic answer given to authors after rejected by editor considerably vague and in contradiction with the San Francisco Declaration, which MDPI signed on 2012 with this motto: We aim to publish all manuscripts that are scientifically correct, and do not artificially increase journal rejection rates, allowing the reader community at large to define impact. If this is correct, then what is rejection based on novelty and general significance after rejection by the editor? This takes around 24 working hours, but can vary depending on staff schedules. To find out more, check out our interview with MDPI English editors. I have written to the editorial office to provide us with detailed peer review report since the status is under review. We submitted the manuscript entitled Effectiveness of New Rock-Ramp Fishway at Miyanaka Intake Dam Compared with Existing Large and Small Stair-Type Fishways in water journal. Congrats! My current status of the manuscript says Conversion Skipped. The Academic Editor needs to check a few things before the manuscript moves onto the next stage. Yes. We always try to provide a decision as soon as possible, but we rely on external academic editors for that. after this, the editor says if you insist to add these authors then you should withdraw the paper. This process usually takes 1-2 working days. Will you please let us know how much time will it take to give the decision? I have contacted the Data Editorial Office and I will keep you updated. Hi Islam. Katherine Bosworth 13 December 2022 Editorial Process Reviewing Your Manuscript Q&A Once you've submitted your manuscript, it will be pre-checked, and then sent for review. You can find their details by clicking Editorial Office on the left-hand column of the journal webpage. Furthermore, the reviewers then have 1-2 weeks to provide their comments. At this stage, the PDF version of your paper will be available online. Im going to look into this and Ill keep in touch. This is highly unusual and can likely be quickly resolved. You can take a look at MDPIs Policy Regarding Corrections and Retractions. pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days , but its showing from last 23.12.22. Authors can also reach our Editorial Office using the contact details in the journal menu. We have checked everything, spam or junk folders but no response has every been given (apart from the automatic emails from the journal). Alternatively, you could decide to use the credit on your next submission. Take a look at our article on manuscript status information. If your paper is still being processed (i.e., in one of the many processing stages such as Pending review or Pending editor decision), then you can contact the journals Editorial Office. Please reach out to the Editorial Office for more details. There are many different reasons why a paper might be rejected during the publication process. The pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days. What does it means? The Academic Editor is making a final decision about your paper. Can we publish an erratum correcting it? Kindly clarify what does this indicate? Various Dialect Groups on 2022-04-27, with manuscript ID: histories-1697518. Is it common for reviewers and editor to not agree? You can contact the journal editorial office or the Guest Editors of the Special Issue for specific information. In many MDPI journals, Academic Editors who have made the acceptance decision for a manuscript, after full peer-review, have the option to include their name and role as the Academic Editor on the published manuscript. Most recent answer. The Editorial Office will certainly be able to provide further details. Please send it to the assistant editor assigned, she/he will guide you. You can also find this information in the Journal Statistics section, accessible via the left-hand menu. My manuscript is (Pending a decision). Its usually only a paragraph or two. I am the author of an article that wants to be published in Metals MDPI with the manuscript ID and title as follows: Manuscript ID: metals-1771094. Thank you for your comment. Is there specific upload guidance or is it attached in revised manuscript as one file? However, there is an editor comment saying that the manuscript lacks novelty and has limited significance. I submitted the manuscript 6 days ago but still, but it is showing Pending Review Ive read that pending review takes around a few days and I should contact you if it takes more than 5 days. The author also gives their consent individually via email. Manuscript status can be a little bit confusing at times. This does depend on their schedules. Last decision: Reject Reviewer 3 Ole Jonny Klakegg Major (Report sent on 13 October 2020) Last decision: Reconsider after major revision. Once the journal has accepted your manuscript for publication, the final steps will be completed. You can their find contact information on the journals homepage. Here are the MDPI submission statuses that you might encounter on the SuSy platform. Hi I have a question about the manuscript (vetsci-10-00142). Author proofreading resubmitted = Authors have resubmitted the latest version of their paper, and the Assistant Editor will accept changes and double-check that everything is correct before paper publication. We wanted to remove and add authors. But, I think it is unnecessary so can I cancel the request for an update madam? its a original research about sealers used in endodontics, but i dont know why its rejected. Yes, you should include this information at the end of your manuscript. I already submitted our manuscript and it was under review. You should review the feedback on SuSy. Please note that, if there are reviewer recommendations that have not been sufficiently addressed after two rounds of revisions, rejections or resubmissions may be warranted. Yes, thats correct. You can find contact details on the journal webpage. Im going to chase this up on your behalf. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, you may wish to contact the Assistant Editor. Hi Katherine! They will be able to provide you with further details on the delay and any action that needs to be taken. What does it mean? I wonder if we can change the paper after being published online. Still, I havent gotten any requests for minor or major changes. Make sure to share any further questions in the comments. Unfortunately, I pressed the submit button without completely revising the manuscript. I am afraid we spent a lot of time on review. What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? Unfortunately, I found one correction didnt match which i told like just adding three words in literature section. This stage might take longer than 1-2 business days, depending on the Academic Editors workload. This is because the average waiver rate across all MDPI journals was 35%. How long does it take in general for an article published in MDPI Microorganisms to show up in PubMed? As per your website, this stage will take 1-2 days only. pending editor decisionpeer revieweditorial memberfinal decisionmdpi. You can find out more in our article on MDPIs name change policy. Anyways, I thought that the assigned assistant editor or editorial office should have replied my e-mail when I was inquiring about the progress of my manuscript. Is not it be revised version revision status? At MDPI, we want to ensure that the submission process runs as smoothly as possible for our authors. MDPI will allow authors to edit their manuscript in the case of author revisions before peer review, and during author revisions in the peer review process, according to reviewers and Academic Editors suggestions. Am I still allowed to submit before the manuscript submission deadline, which is November 30, 2022 ? Hello, Shouldnt the editor have allowed for pending minor or major revisions? We submitted the minor revision (second round) on 13th January 2023 but still it is showing Pending editor decision. This is what is meant by 'Pending Decision.' You should know the decision soon. Please see this list of IOAP participants:, Hello Dr. Katherine Bosworth Thank you for the comment. if the paper been rejected because of choosing wrong special issue during submitting (system was not giving the name of wanted special issue )while we wrote name of wanted special issue in cover letter can i resubmit again for the wanted special issue. The Horticulturae Editorial Office will be able to help you withdraw your manuscript. Please contact them to resolve the issue. Check out our article on manuscript statuses for more information. Do you think how long probably I should keep waiting? Our paper had pending editors decision status for 8 days then the status changed to revised version review. hello sir, i submitted a research article to applied sciences. They can opt-out of open review for you. They will be able to give you an update. Take a look at the article What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? for further information about manuscript statuses. Sorry that youve been waiting so long. My sincere apologies that you have been waiting so long. Is this how MDPI Journals works? After I typed Please see in the attachment, I happened to click the submit button. Is there any alternative way of doing this, could you please help us in this regard. Hi, please for the status (Conversion Skipped), can we fund the PDF article online? I am talking here about the case of Pending conversion. Thanks and regards. This means that the journal might have requested a review that they . So, i would like to ask if there is a chance to reconfirm and revise the paper after accept. Please do get back in touch if you find yourself waiting any longer than this. Please reach out to the Assistant Editor or the Editorial Office for further guidance on this matter as it will largely depend on when in the publication process you are in. As you know we cannot add/remove any author directly, so I have submit the authorship change form. You can log in to MDPIs in-house electronic submission system SuSy to track your manuscript status. I have published a few papers in Sustainabiltiy, and had several rejected. MDPI does not offer multi-language journals, despite the importance of international contributions. Many apologies for the delay. Dear Ms. Bosworth, This takes priority for Assistant Editors. Also, I have another question. Our manuscript is a cross sectional survey that analyses response of dentists regarding their practice in certain restorations. Hi Katherine Please could you reach out to the journals Editorial Office? Thus, we would be glad for any information concerning this manuscript. Additional MDPI information for authors is provided here: Thank you for getting in touch. They will consider the latest version of the manuscript, as well as the completed peer review process. Thanks. ? Once you do submit, its likely that youll have questions about when your paper will be published. If the journal cannot accept addition of new author, so they should tell us the reason. So, based on your two rounds of revisions, the Associate Editor (AE) has made their decision on the manuscript and communicated it to the EIC, who will make the final decision. Nonetheless, no responses have been obtained from the journal, leaving us in a frustration. Please be sure to confirm this with the Assistant Editor as soon as one is assigned to your manuscript. Hello dear Katherine Bosworth, My name is Dr. Shams. The Pending decision status usually takes 1-2 days. Whether this is invoiced to the institution directly or the author will depend on which institution it is. I want to ask what if the different between abstract submission deadline and manuscript submission deadline ? Hello. The status is still Pending Review. I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response. As an academic publisher, we rely on members of the research community to make important decisions about author submissions. You are therefore encouraged to use the journals Microsoft Word template or LaTeX template (including Overleaf) to prepare your manuscript. The Assistant Editor aims to find reviewers within the first week of sending out invitations. I actually think this is unnecessary but the managing section editor request an update of the published paper on the basis of my mail. Today I checked as its changed to Pending decision and I see peer reviewers comments. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. However, the editors decision was reject and decline submission. what should I do? Pending major or minor revisions = Author revisions are in progress. MDPIs median publication time is 40 days from submission to publication, which includes around 1617 days for a first decision, and just 5 days for final production. hello, I resubmitted the revised version and the status is under pending editor decision from 17 June, as I know the decision will take 2 days. Please could you contact the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript? Is it possible to do edits after the publication extremely necessary one, for example a mistake in formula on which the results are based? The APCs currently range from 1000 CHF to 2400 CHF (Swiss Francs). As part of this, the Editorial Office asks reviewers if they want to disclose their identity. But there is no update from the editor or journal. Thank you. The status is still Pending Review. I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response. Our authors publications in English have enabled broad international readership, with more than 14 million MDPI webpage views monthly in 2020. Delays may be a bit longer if the Managing Editor needs to double-check any information. Because today is the 44th day after my first submission date and the status of my article is still unchanged. There is no limit to the length of papers! Please could you contact the Agriculture Editorial Office? Peer review can take place at different points in the overall process, depending on the manuscript. We have a 24-hour window for this step. Hi, I have a query. Thanks for reaching out. One more thing I want to confirm. - Ian Nov 17, 2017 at 6:54 Add a comment 2 Answers Sorted by: 22 "Decision pending" means that the decision. Hi! The status changed from Pending review to Under review on December 15th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day. We have been waiting for over five days. Who can we ask for help beside assigned editor? I try to inquire assistant editor and editorial office by e-mail, but still no feedback from them. The Editorial Office has received the manuscript and it is being pre-checked. They should also tell us on advance during the review stage. I have tried to email the journal editor and assigned editor but has yet to receive a response. The next status will be Revised version review, when reviewers will have their second look. Does it mean Rejection? As your paper is still being processed, you can easily withdraw and re-submit the paper. I have send email to Metals editorial office and asistance editor who handle my submitted article. I have selected open review for my manuscript but I dont want to keep it in open review how can I change it? Unfortunately, we cannot help from the blog in that regard, but we can recommend you to contact the publishing manager of Sustainability, Ms Neda Nikolic ( However, we know that authors have multiple responsibilities as researchers, and we aim to be flexible as part of our high-quality publishing service experience. Please could you reach out to the journals Editorial Office? Most of our journals suggest 5 days for minor revisions and 1014 days for major revisions. Id recommend waiting until Tuesday next week. can you please give me the exast answer. Once youre clear on the ins and outs, get in touch with the Editorial Office, and theyll process your request. How much time it takes in Pending editor decision? We want to change it later if we get aceept result. It usually takes 12 days. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. The papers got desk rejections and the same work is not accepted by IEEE Q1 journals. but There are some mistakes in manuscript. The review time specified in the journal guidelines is 12.4 days. kindly reply. Thanks, Katherine. Ive reached out to the editorial office on your behalf, you should hear back from them soon. Hi Muhammad. So, I have plan to add his name once my paper go to review stage. [1] 21 . However, as this is something youre concerned about, you can contact the Editorial Office directly. Apart from contacting the Editorial Office, support is readily available at This will reduce any potential delays. No need to worry. However, please be assured that Assistant Editors keep a close eye on submissions and will inform and advise you about your manuscript status. Dear Ms. Bosworth, Can you please specify that on average how long does a Revised version review take for a paper after major revision? Mdpi . Hello Katherine, Apologies for the wait. I believe you are talking about plagiarism. If you have prepaid, MDPI will send a refund on request. What does it mean? The charge will therefore be dealt with by your colleagues institution. Hi, I and a few of my connections from the USA have submitted valuable papers using the voucher code they got during reviewing process. Thanks for being so patient. There may be delays based on the Academic Editors workload and availability upon a decision request. However, if your paper is less than 3000 words or more than 12,000 words long, we recommend that you contact the Editorial Office in advance. This stage involves reaching out to reviewers who are experts in the field. I contact with assigned editor, but I did not got response. I would greatly appreciate it if you can help us with this matter. This is usually completed in around three working days, but could take longer depending on the reviewers schedules. You can find their details on SuSy. This should give you all the answers youre looking for and put you at ease if you find yourself worried about your paper. From sharing the latest MDPI blog news, to showcasing our most popular articles, the newsletters will keep you in the loop with everything good going on in the science world. How much do I need to revise it to resubmit it to the SI? Thanks a lot for your help. I have submitted manuscript to Animals on 1st of September and I received reject and encourage resubmittion. Pending decision means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. after resubmission the one reviewer satisfy with my comments however other reviewer not satisfier with some comments. But, Im happy to inform you that, as your colleague is part of an IOAP institute, the APC will be discounted. How long does this process take to complete? Dont worry! Pending conversion = Microsoft Word or LaTeX is being converted to JATS XML. For more details on your specific case and an update on your manuscript, please reach out to the JCM Editorial Office: This is your very last chance to edit the paper. I want to ask what does it mean editor comment lauout with pending editor descion from last ten days. 1. Pending review = The paper is due to be pre-checked. Were conducting an investigation into how this happened. MDPI Journals A-Z Information & Guidelines Initiatives About Login Register Submit Guidelines for Reviewers Instructions for Authors . Hopefully, you will get a decision very soon. May I know what the possible reason for the delay is? It usually takes around 48 hours. The MDPI editorial process. However, please note that this is dependent on the Academic Editors workload. You can find these templates in the Instructions for Authors section, accessible from the journal menu. On 14 Nov 2022, I could see all the R three Peer Review Reports (Round -1). In the near future, XML and HTML versions will also be made available. However, MDPI carries out most of the publishing steps, from submission to online publication. You can then submit your full manuscript in November. It may be that the journal might be waiting to decide based on the theme of the upcoming issue. This means you need to submit your manuscript before or on the date outlined on the Special Issue webpage. Hello Isaac. Occasionally, they may need more time. On rare occasions, the Assistant Editor assigned to your manuscript will request a further opinion from a new reviewer. The Editors evaluate the suitability of . What does it mean. Hello Manish, thanks for getting in touch. The Check for Updates feature is only available in the PDF version of the manuscript. The editor really supports our effort as authors. Im sorry that youve been waiting longer than expected. Hi Ivana. Out of which two reviewers gave +Ve Report 3/4 Stars for all the Evaluation parameters. If my manuscript has been rejected by Optics Letters, can I still submit it to an MDPI publication. Information on service function by APC breakdown is provided, as well as accepted currency and methods of payment. Dear Madam, thanks. We submitted the manuscript entitled, A Study of Chinese Cemeteries in Singapore Case Studies of the Creation and Development of Communal Cemeteries of Should we reach out to the assistant editor? After two rounds of revision and the status is pending decision since 31st may 2022. I want to submit the manuscript to Social Science. You can then apply the feedback to your manuscript and submit the corrections. You are welcome to choose the same or another MDPI journal if the paper was rejected and you were encouraged to resubmit. I hope we can receive a detailed peer review report. few more things I want to confirm.. you have commented You can include additional authors at any time during revisions (before manuscript acceptance). nearly one month ago on the blog. Please could you get in touch with the JTAER Editorial Office? Is there anyway to revised the manuscript? Mistakes do happen and we have a system in place to keep published research up to date and accurate. Kindly shed some light. Please need guidance. MDPI has one of the most straightforward and efficient publication processes in the whole publishing landscape. So, Ive read that it cannot be resubmitted, without an invitation which was not forthcoming. I would encourage you to contact the Academic Editor for any missed updates. Your work will be read and rated by a few academics from your field. As you have been waiting for over a week, we will investigate and prioritise this issue. In rare cases, reviewers do need a bit more time to assess the manuscript and make changes. I have a concern regarding MDPi policies. This situation makes me worry. This stage takes about 1-2 working days, dependent on the editors schedule. If you are still unsure, you can use our new Journal Selector tool or contact the journals Editorial Office. . what does it means? The status Resubmitted means that you have now uploaded your revised manuscript.

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