People are attracted by the permanence of Orthodoxy. The West used unleavened bread, the East did not. And while they are just beginning to recover, he says, Protestants invade, with all their Western resources, and attempt to draw away the very people the Russian Orthodox Church is attempting to nurture in the faith. Handcarved After being dunked in this sea of hymnography for a few years I began to recognise an underlying unity among all the elements of Orthodoxy the worship, the fasting, the exhortations to humility, the companionship of the saints, all of it. Her allegiance to the perennial truths of Christianity is appreciated by sincere seekers. A Christian representation of Vladimir I, who was the first Rus' leader to officially bring Christianity to the region. Poland, 1 million The Orthodox Church is the only Church, originally founded by Christ and still retaining the apostolic succession and the undistorted teaching of the Lord and . I sincerely wish to know everyone's reasons for converting to Orthodoxy. Copyright 19962023. I felt like Marco Polo. The Orthodox Churches share with the other Christian Churches the belief that God revealed himself in Jesus Christ, and a belief in the incarnation of Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection. Converts to Orthodoxy usually precede their decision with voluminous reading and research, so their friends must endure agitated lectures on church history, ancient heresies, and what words mean. There are two sides to this coin, as well: Some people become Orthodox for all the wrong reasons, while some dont become Orthodox for all the wrong reasons. Conversion means belief and acceptance in Jesus Christ, the God-man, as the Savior of the world. Its not something you can figure out by studying the Church Fathers. But that cant be the case with me, so lets press on. YouTube | By the end of the sixth century, neither group could speak the other's language. Unfortunately most "Orthodox Christian" are nominal even despite their active presence they are nominal because they extinguish the Holy Spirit and do not have a relationship with God, they outwardly seem to be praying but like the Pharisee praise themselves for being 'good with God'. While some did come over by force, the Orthodox also forcibly converted large numbers of Eastern Catholics Orthodoxy. Instead, Orthodoxy believes that the church stands above the Scriptures, which is why, as noted, Orthodox believers agree to "accept and understand Holy Scripture in accordance with the interpretation that was and is held by the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church of the East, our Mother." This perspective presupposes a defective Christologyone that fails to account for the anthropos of the theanthropic (Divine-human) Church. In the words of contemporary Orthodox theologian Thomas Hopko, "everything in the church flows out of the waters of baptism: the remission of sins and life eternal." I cant be the only one to have done this. An Orthodox priest who lectured to standing-room-only crowds at Moscow State once described Orthodox theology to me as "music made in the conservatory," whereas he described Protestant theology as "music made in the honkytonk bars. So why should someone desire to join the Orthodox Church? The move was far more than geographic. The stability that the Orthodox Church provides for the seeker consists in the assurance of the truth she possesses, her other-worldly and mysterious character, the beauty of her liturgical celebrations and her crucified lifethey all attest to what she is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear: the unique, beloved Bride of Christ. "The Orthodox Church of Christ never lost the 'unity of faith and the communion of the Holy Spirit' and does not accept the theory of the restoration of the unity of those "who believe in Christ," because it believes that the unity of those who believe in Christ already exists in the unity of all of Her baptized children, between themselves and For taking Communion together? Writing a book on Eastern Orthodoxy and working through the manuscript with my Russian students helped me to compare Orthodoxy and Protestant evangelicalism. The other forms of tradition include the first seven ecumenical councils, which are acknowledged as normative and, by some, even infallible; patristic writings, especially those of the first four centuries; later councils; the Liturgy; canon law; and icons. This statement cannot be challenged. Nicholas reversed the decision, reinstating Ignatius and deposing Photius. Converts from Protestantism claim that Orthodoxy is strongest where evangelicals tend to be weak-its robust liturgical celebration of the majesty and mystery of God, its unyielding insistence on the indispensable role of tradition in theology, and its admirable heritage of perseverance amid terrible fires of persecution. There is a certain chemistry involved, which one cannot so easily verbalize. There are other problems as well: overlapping jurisdictions, lack of communication across jurisdictional lines, and a tendency to isolate ourselves from communities in which we live. But the little guy is not going through a phase. There is a myth in Orthodoxy that people only became Eastern Catholics under force by Catholic kings. Then the reality sets in. Granny and Pops and Uncle Pete love the little guy, and theyre going to be kindly and patient with him because hes going through a phase. Such a question cannot be answered through the use of dogmatic assertions or theoretical musings. Converts to Orthodoxy usually precede their decision with voluminous reading and research, so their friends must endure agitated lectures on church history, ancient heresies, and what words mean in Greek. Before long, in Reformation churches the sermon had replaced the Eucharist as the defining moment of the liturgy. Teachings of Orthodoxy. Applies to RCC too. Orthodox Christianity has a rich tradition of meditation, of fasting, of praying, of giving alms. See something we missed? De Maistre, Billington says, was "convinced that Russia was an instrument chosen by Providence for the salvation of Europe." He was "fascinated by the possibility of converting this vast land to Catholicism." He launched a program towards that end. Thus, while the Protestant principle of sola scriptura places Scripture above tradition, for Orthodoxy the two are complementary means of one organic whole through which the Spirit of God speaks. That there are too many people joining the Church with a silly belief that they rebelling against the modern world, and hoping to instate absolute monarchy. It was electrifying. The pairing of both secular groups with the Orthodox in a religious freedom case is rare they have frequently been on opposite sides on church-state separation issues such as same-sex marriage . * The unchangeableness of dogma as well as the purity of rite [are] entrusted to the care not of one hierarchy but of all the people of the church." Get the best from CT editors, delivered straight to your inbox! Or again, it is one thing to guard the doctrine of sola scriptura, but quite another to ignore or disdain two thousand years of tradition; surely there is a dangerous arrogance in imagining that we do not need to listen to the wealth of biblical wisdom from the patristic writers. This is not just an explanation but an apology, and even an appreciation for the perseverance of friendship in the face of truly annoying behaviour. Speaking out against a government that is massively exterminating believers, would only lead to greater persecution. Then bear your cross,, Please, include documents that can be downloaded or printed. Becoming Orthodox is not a conversion but more so a transformation of self. Since then, Western and Eastern Christianity developed separately, under very different social and cultural conditions. They conceded a special honor to the Western papacy but insisted that the bishop of Rome was only the first among equals. Young teens go through a few years when they are trying to understand their own unique identity and trying to establish it in the face ofwell, it would be one thing if they had to establish it in the face of hostility, because, even though that would be hard, it would be bracing and clarifying. It is not surprising they become disaffected and leave. And yet, not all of these journeys have worked out. Many times, inquirers approach the Orthodox Church as a safe haven from controversy and scandal, believing that the Orthodox Churchas the one, true Churchis immune to such things. From Islam to Indonesian Orthodox Priest In "Clergy" 97% of Moldovans Identify as Orthodox Christians In "Latest Stories" But whether a non-Orthodox person can even be saved is an open question in Orthodox ecclesiology. These Protestant movements, important in their own right, are liturgical light years from Orthodoxy. And for Orthodoxy, this argument from holy tradition is of great significance. I hope so. Kind of like large scale serial monogamous people. Then C" The strengths of a group draws them but after a while the weaknesses bubble up. The blog includes recent news and ministry updates of the Convent, as well as other information about Orthodox Christianity that may be useful to those who are either making their first steps in church or want to learn something new about our faith. For any convert, it's a spiritual, intense, and private process,. Orthodoxy has always affirmed that Peter was the "first among equals" (primus inter pares) ; but unlike Roman Catholics, the Orthodox have always denied that he held any "primacy of power" (primatus potestatis). However, I do think that there are certain factors that influence and even cause these abandonments and apostasies from the one, true Church. You may wish to call the parish priest in advance to introduce yourself and explain that you will be joining him and the faithful of his parish for the first time, although this is not absolutely essential. Yeah, I think Ive gotten it out of my system. During those years of discovery I labored to absorb new ideas and excise stubborn old ones. But about this pursuit we can make several observations. Serbia, 8 million Holy Orders are a mystery (sacrament) of the Church, and the Spirit blows where it will. In addition, sizable Orthodox "diasporate" groups exist in Europe, North and South America, and Australia, typically under the jurisdiction of one of the thirteen patriarchates mentioned above. ", Icons are not merely sacred art. Your email address will not be published. When you are the only Norse guy and most of your lands are Slovianskian, it makes more sense to convert yourself than to convert them. Georgia, 3 million In time, you will be welcomed sacramentally into the Church and continue your ongoing path to the Kingdom of God. Constantine had once controlled the entire Mediterranean perimeter, and as a result, Christianity flourished. Put more starkly, Orthodoxy explicitly rejects the historic Protestant idea of sola scriptura. What was the foreign policy of Yaroslav the Wise? Orthodoxy generally affirms the same seven sacraments as Catholicism: baptism, chrismation or confirmation, the Eucharist, repentance or confession, holy orders or ordination, marriage, and holy unction or anointing of the sick. Andrey brings us the news about Orthodox Christianity (the form of Christianity . But if you are still intrigued and drawn to the Orthodox Church, considering all of these disclaimers, then do so with faith, reverence, and a healthy fear of God. These sacraments are not mere signs, symbols, or reminders. Frederica Matthewes-Green reflects on how new converts to Orthodoxy can sometimes be overzealous. There are many basic beliefs that Orthodoxy and evangelicalism hold in common: the inspiration of Scripture; the two natures of Christ, the finality and uniqueness of Christ's death on the cross, the resurrection, and our future hope of eternal life. The Orthodox Church is the ancient Church that Christ and the Apostles established. Conversion involves a change or transformation in vision, direction and heart, one rooted in repentance and the acknowledgement of Our Lord as the One Who is truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Who came into the world to save sinners. It had ramifications for the ecclesiastical status of both cities and further exacerbated the strained relations between the two regions. We must be willing to embrace mystery, to submit to other authorities, and to ultimately submit to the Church Herself. Despite its historical estrangement from Rome, from a Protestant theological perspective Orthodoxy is similar to Catholicism at several points. Because everyone has their own presuppositions in which they interpret reality and thus no surprise you'll find people based on these presuppositions won't accept Christianity. Moreover, evangelicals have some important lessons to learn from Orthodoxy. Why would a Protestant Christian convert to Eastern Orthodox Christianity? In 1993 I was chrismated and joined the Eastern Orthodox Church, but only lately has it dawned on me that I must have strained friendships over the years, due to my vocal enthusiasm for my adopted church. Kate Forbes is young, smart, a woman (in the actual sense of the word), but fatally, an orthodox Christian seeking the top office in the land. Other religions and faiths occupy themselves with this life, with this world. Despite efforts at reunification, to this day the Catholic and Orthodox churches remain estranged. She rightly claims the wholeness of the truth. Orthodoxy provides a full-bodied, full-souled spiritual life that assumes that everything you do as a Christian makes you either more like God or less like Him, and because becoming like God is what salvation consists of, that means that everything you do is critical. But why is our kind so characteristically obnoxious? Even more obnoxious, though, must be the tendency to reject hospitality. John A. Peck, The Apostolic Mission of Journey To Orthodoxy, Orthodox Church in Harbin, China Reopens as an Orthodox Church, "When We Speak of Christ, We Must Start With Christ" - An Interview With Fr. In fact, what Orthodox converts "vow to accept" diverges significantly from important, basic tenets of evangelical Protestantism. They insisted that the Bible interprets itself, and through the Holy Spirit, God instructs its readers in a direct and individual manner rather than binding their consciences to the supposedly reliable teaching of the church. Orthodox Christianity offers a third solution, that is faith with an emphasis on symbolism, inner experience, and Church communion. We cannot describe it to you: only this we know, that God dwells there among men, and that their service surpasses the worship of all other places. This should trouble evangelicals (as well as other Protestants), especially when it is combined with the Orthodox idea of who constitutes the church and how one enters the church.

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