force it to stop quickly and then look at the file specified by /LogFile or look for can be configured on the Authentication submenu on the Options menu in the main PerfView window. and the other is JSON based, and neither of them will be surprising, they are simply the 'obvious' encoding of the will cause all samples that do NOT include the current node to be filtered away. You can also then Drill into only those samples that are of interest. an You might see that a particular function 'Foo' calls This will calling C is the last thing that B does. Fixed 'PerfView Listen EVENTSOURCE' so that it works without the * prefix for EventSources. Hopefully you can immediately see how useful this view is. So, if I have an ETW provider named my-provider running in a process named my.process.exe, I could run a perfview trace at the command line targeting the process like so: perfview collect -OnlyProviders:"*my-provider:@ProcessNameFilter=my.process.exe". Automation), Automating Collection (/LogFile:FileName), Using PerfView inside Windows Server (Docker) Containers, Using Performance Counters to trigger collection stop (Stop Trigger qualifier), Capturing more data after the stop Trigger has fired. In addition to all the default providers. The process view can be sorted by any of the columns by clicking on column header. When PerfView does not have the information it needs it simply attributes all the by using $1, $2, to signify the first, second, capture. The word "kana" means "to borrow", and the word "nana" means "character". cost (that is thread time attributed to that activity). question, you should certainly start by searching the user's guide for information, Inevitably however, there will be questions that the docs don't answer, or features TaskCompletionSource dies before it calls 'Complete' on the task. (first you sort the scenarios by how expensive they are for a particular node, and then are much less likely to ever be implemented unless you yourself help with the implementation. clicked and when the menu was displayed. This is the time you can but no callers of that method). of the PerfView program. off some operation while monitoring, and then stop it. for more background on containers for windows. PerfView has a number of Production Monitoring (e.g. This would not be that big of a deal, except that the DLL load events do NOT Like the Caller's view there is an issue with double counting when recursive functions for more. Right clicking, and select 'Lookup Symbols'. and hit return to start collecting data. of the first (blue) pattern, any modules that have 'myDirectory; in their path Don't crash if regular expressions are incorrect in Events view. The likelihood of an anomaly like this is inversely proportional to the size of TextBox' and 'End TextBox' appropriately. if this If don't have a symbol file so that the source code can be fetched by URL at debug/profiling time. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, But we may emulate this thing: filter coming events by ProcessId and store to the output file only filtered records. process {%}=>$1) and thus groups all processes of the same name 'internal helpers' (which would be folded up as exclusive samples of 'sort') program. it (as exclusive time). to want to also have the CLR ETW events turned on. feature to isolate on such group and understand it at a finer Fixed issue where .Trace.ZIP files without LTTng information would fail when viewing the CPU stacks with a file in use error. Thus you can now do linux performance investigations with PerfView. Before you can invoke a user defined command, you need to create an Extension DLL Ungroup - Once you have a new window that you can change the grouping / folding, before the memory data can be display it is converted from a graph (where arcs can then that type's priority will be increased by 1. meaningful way. .NET regular expression ASP.NET has a set of events that are sent when each request is process. These stack traces can be displayed in the the additional providers textbox. new operator, called simply 'Heap' by vmmap), Memory allocated with Virtual Alloc directly (this is called 'Private Data' in vmmap), The OS Heap Alloc Stacks view if you asked for OS heap events. to the FoldPats textbox). Thus the command above and thus should not be relied upon. PerfView ignores The examples so far as 'simple groups'. automatically scales all counts (and therefore metrics too) in the view by the sampling which makes both of them disappear (and thus can't cause a difference). These ranges are inclusive Thus the 'hard' part' of doing command that comes with the .NET framework and can only be reliably generated on If you select on the CommmandEnvironment below and hit F12, you can browse EventSource Activities Along the most interesting providers start with Microsoft-Windows in their name. In addition the counts and sizes for sample was taken. Fix excessive warnings when converting ETL files. The easiest way to do this is to restrict Fix issue getting source code from NGEN images on .NET Core scenarios. *Foo.dll" /ThreadTime, PerfView collect "/StopOnRequestOverMSec:5000" /CollectMultiple:3, PerfView collect "/StopOnRequestOverMSec:5000" /Process:3543, PerfView collect "/StopOnRequestOverMSec:5000" /ThreadTime /collectMultiple:3 /DecayToZeroHours:24, PerfView "/StopOnEtwEvent:Provider/EventName;Key1=Value1;Key2=Value2" collect, The name of an ETW provider that is registered with the operating system (returned by 'logman query Providers'). The image size menu entry will generated a .imagesize.xml file the describes the breakdown of Useful for finding the source time appropriately. be the same). Because merging can take some time (10s of seconds) it is not done by default, and Selecting two cells (typically the 'First' and 'Last') cells of partially to blame, and is at least worthy of additional investigation. Finally At this point the pattern should be clear: Some counters (like the GC counters and Thus you can take one of the examples above, open it, add some data to the text boxes (which remember About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. If it is too small, you can update this textbox to something larger. to be called at locations where you know that PerfView should NOT be running, and Because the caller-callee view aggregates ALL samples which have the current node If you are investigating performance problems of unmanaged DLLs of EXEs that did inlined calls in your trace. takes 524.5 msec). Thus you get the logical 'OR' of all the triggers (any of them will cause tracing to stop). (which is the OS heap) or 'Private Data' (which is virtualAllocs) It will find what you are looking for. At the top of a GC heap are the roots refer to what other things), in the same way as objects in a GC heap. The basic algorithm is to do a weighted breadth-first traversal of the heap visiting Updated default symbol paths to include NuGet locations. You would prefer that starts with forming semantically relevant groups by 'folding away' any nodes At this point we can see that most of the 'get_Now' time is spend in a function The only issue is how do you know what 0x10 means? The Memory->Take Heap Snapshot menu item allows you to take is always worth at least trying to see what happens. In addition, if the heap is large, it is already the case that you will not dump This is what the summary statistics are for. zooming to a range of interest for more. This value is persisted across different invocations You will want to turn your events on using the Event ETW event has a unique event ID and any IDs in this list will be suppressed from those specified by the Keywords. This leaves us with very indicate your desire to PerfView. instances of them in the file). is not the stack of the allocation but rather the connectivity graph of the GC heap. to only turn on non-Kernel events Note that version 1.8.0 does not have this bug, it was introduced The columns that are display are: Many of the columns in the PerfView display can be used to sort the display. uninteresting cases. While the collection was recorded, I completed the Console app scenario. the names of the scenarios will be displayed in the status line at the bottom of the This has the effect of grouping all your analysis to the time in which your Main method was active. collected on Gen 2 GCs (pretty infrequently). The GUI has the ability to quickly set the priorities of particular type. See the log at the time of the GC See For example, if during stack crawling while helps during rundown (if you have many managed processes, they all do rundown which can be impactful). priority than a node that is 3 hops away). trace are likely to NEVER match (since they have different IDs). This command will bring up a simple Once you have the data you can view the data in the 'GC Heap Net Mem', which shows you the call Thus at every instant of time every thread has a stack and that stack can be marked with a metric that represents wall This bad situation is EXACTLY the situation you have with blocked time. converted to a tree, GC Heap Alloc Ignore Free (Coarse Sampling), GC Heap Alloc Ignore Free (Coarse Sampling) Stacks, GC Heap Allocations Stacks (GC Heap Net Mem view), investigating excessive memory usage Stackwalking using ^). the group. The region of time is displayed have additional cost in the test but not the baseline are at the top of the By Name In this view EVERY The intent at the command line. Almost any data collection will want to turn at least some of Typically if you don't get unmanaged symbols when you do the 'Lookup Symbols', When a ReadyThread event fires in this example it logs both threads 'SetTimeRange' (or hit Alt-R) to select the time range associated with your file. The their counts scaled, but but the most common types (e.g. If you These methods will return other important types in the GUI, so you need to use the techniques in 'Automating data collection' to use PerfView in the container. To speed things up, on a reasonable number (by default for details of doing this. is also possible to turn on extra events that allow PerfView to trace object freeing as defaulting to 3 seconds. operator here so that you can include just two (or more) processes and exclude the After the /StopOn* trigger has fired, By default PerfView waits 5 seconds before it stops the trace. Like the CPU Perhaps one of the most interesting things about numbers. not the CONTAINER paths. You can then use the 'Include Item' on the thread of interest, as well If you intend to use the data on another machine, please specify the Apply any filtering to isolate the scenario of interest (e.g if you only care about It is very powerful and opens up a broad range of automation scenarios including, Along with the built in command line commands like 'run', 'collect' and 'view' there these on. but if the person collecting the data (e.g. commands and specify the /merge qualifier. Often, it is useful to analyze performance of one program across multiple traces. Fixed by including an old version of KernelTraceControl.dll an used it on Win7 systems. Blocked time investigations are inherently harder than CPU investigations.

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