Quick demo of my motorized focuser, and I will create a detailed tutorial if enough people are interested. Pierre's Helical Crayford gets my vote hands-down for elegant simplicity. Other supplies that I bought for this project include wood, various bits of hardware, stain and finishing supplies, and a circle cutting jig for a router. I sourced my own Stepper motor and 1:150 reduction gearbox from RS, who are just up the road. Able to make myself using my own humble tools (or toys as the pros will call them!) The plate has slotted screw holes for tensioning the 6mm belt. Here's my 8" f/6 travel scope with a 2" PVC draw tube and the helical Crayford focuser built right in the focuser board. really stiff and light for their size, and even though a #2 is pretty Telescope Magazine. Line the underside of the rocker box with a ring of ABS plastic to allow it to ride on the base. Total cost for supplies for this project: It took a lot longer than I expected to receive my mirror and other parts from Discovery. It has a 6mm shaft. I had chosen a boxy, rigid design for the binocular scope, so I wasn't there so i can be 100% but i do not think my friend was lying to me and i believe the pictures are from my telescope my kids use it for stargazing a lot i have seen some deepspace but i use it mainly for sketching the moon and i like to view solar flares. Not sure how your toilets are built over there, but here they use what is called a tank flush valve. The blue pieces of the rocker box and ground board are arranged as in the diagrams in (figure 2). They suggested a construction supply place on the other side of the city that I had not called yet. Lining up this center point with the center of the top of the side bearing, I brought the corner of the side bearing up to the edge of the tube box and attached it with screws. The company has a reputation for excellent optics, and it was neither the most expensive, nor the least. I made this Crayford style focuser using plywood scraps and surplus bearings. 7 years ago We use cookies to continuously improve our websites for you and optimize its design and customization. In amateur astrophotography, we run our telescopes overnight. I attached keepers 1 inches wide by 5 inches long, extending above the bottom of the arcs by about 1 inches. Well, it sort of looks like a focuser.. See pictures below. I only use the OTA. I ordered the focuser, received an immediate email confirming the order, and it arrived two days later. both sides. One of the neat things about the square design is that the initiatives for the next generation of makers. Crayford-style design with four bearings and one driveshaft. on Introduction, Very nice build nikon20. Above youll find an interactive 3D rendering of the Sketchup file I used to design and cut all of the parts for my telescope. Many sources point out that 10 inches is a kind of sweet spot in the balance between power and portability. But let me see what items I can arrange to make a helical. I built mine entirely from CNC-cut plywood, and fastened it together with 2 bolts. The email bounced back to me. 1N5408 3A Diode (you may need to make the pins smaller to fit through the holes in the board. However more than the focuser, I liked your scope. I had initially allowed for more of a gap, but realized once I cut the pieces and held the tube inside them that my gap was too large. This is my copy of the telescope that Sir Isaac Newton presented to the Royal Society of London in 1671, and is considered to be the first successful reflecting telescope. Picture of DS-4. This book describes in great detail the steps to build a large aperture truss tube dob, focusing on scopes with a 12.5 to 40 inch mirror. you could probably space the bearings 3/4" apart instead of 1" and mount For a while I decided that 10 inch would be the best size. It has become an indispensable piece of equipment for me that so beats hacking and filing PVC pipes etc. Nice looking telescope. - Bill. The overall project is super cheap, we're building this thing for something like $50 in materials. My guess is that photo was taken with a refractor. adapter set screws to slide into. After a dry fit of the rocker to make sure that the tube box with side bearings would fit well, I glued the rocker sides to the rocker front, holding them in place with small nails and clamping overnight. The mirror box encloses the mirror cell and allows the entire telescope to rotate vertically. It is used to setup water outlet from overhead water tanks. The rocker sides are each made of two identical pieces of inch plywood glued together, creating two sides one inch thick. Drill the holes for the knitting A decent machinest will do a far better job, but, there is always a lot more pleasure to be gained per astrophoto when you make bits yourself. If you don't want to go that route, contact me at gary.hethcoat@gmail.com since I have a lot of spare parts and I can sell you a "kit" with a PCB and only the parts you need. Nice one. I started with a spacer that with a inch outer diameter. On that noteWARNING:do not look directly into the sun and never point a telescope into the sun without proper filtration you can damage your telescope and burn your retinas and possibly go blind i am not a astrophotographer so i cant comment on the quality of the pictures since there is so much doubt on the photos i will gladly take them down. Nice work and great instructable! That's pretty much the focuser. This proved fatal for the stepper motor! I would also like to know about how you can take such fantastic pictures without a field rotator and an autoguider system. I did not own all of the tools that I needed for this project, particularly a table saw and router, so I did a lot of work while visiting my Dad. Just drill holes in both ends and mount the lenses. If you want a Crayford focuser with a knob instead of turning the draw tube, then Jerry Oltion's designhttp://www.jerryoltixycrayfords.htm using box frames and knitting needle drive shafts is also a fairly easy build. This cost around $100 to build and all of the components came from. Finally, attach your polar alignment device and align it with the hinge. It just corners of the squares provide nice nooks for the eyepiece and eyepiece 11 years ago Bore out some 2.5 inch bar and mill a flat down the side making sure it is lined up. It's easy to shim it to exactly 2" with adhesive labels placed one at a time inside the tube until a 2" eyepiece or 1.25" adapter is snug. he might just have a $3200 camera, they aren't very hard to come by. Inside the OTA is a ring of tightly fitting flocking paper that prevents any light getting in around the drawtube. Measure twice, drill A Pocket Sundial From a Broken Pocket Watch! Un-real!!! Very simple and portable. Drill a hole and attach the ball head using a shorter 1/4" 20 bolt. So, am curious to see what others have designed and built and proud to show off here on the homage to Crayford thread. The telescopes size is classified by the size of its mirror. It doesn't. A tilted focuser will have no effect on the image quality. Remember: It is the quality and SIZE of the capture chip, NOT the megapixels that determines quality. Next step, before my first acquisition of any parts, is to get with any amateur astronomers in Central Florida, so, wish me luck! In my build, the minimum eyepiece-to-secondary mirror distance (13) plus the primary-to-secondary mirror distance (57) equals the focal length of 71, which is roughly 4.5 times the width of the 16 mirror. After researching several possible sources for a primary mirror, I decided to order an f/5 12.5 inch mirror from Discovery Optics. A week after they said they would send the secondary and other parts, I called to ask if things had been sent. Shorter thread side will be used to attach the eyepiece. I really had to, since the underside of my telescope's focuser is all curves, no flat area for attaching the mounting bracket. small, it's surprisingly rigid. This motor is available on Amazon. That evening I spent most of my time rediscovering the many DSOs around Sagittarius, especially the Lagoon Nebula and the Trifid Nebula. This resulted in a gear that wasn't true and "wobbled" a bit. I had designed the tube box so that there would be an extra inch around the tube. There was the expense, for one, but also the Finally, I attached Keepers to the sides of the rocker at the bottom of the arcs using screws and glue. can't click on it or copy and paste it; it's a graphic file to thwart What materials did you use? The mirror cell: University Optics (eventually). Fire up focusmax, and shoot some images! All Orion 1.25" and 2" telescope focusers are engineered to provide smooth drawtube action to ensure you hit the exact focus point . These will be stored in your browser only with your consent and you have the option to opt-out. Once you get it working, there's some calibration you need to do. As I read the book I decided that I should build a 12.5 inch truss tube scope. The sides were attached with wood glue and clamps with a few small brads to hold everything in place. (I didn't have the primary mirror yet). Use mild soap and distilled . It stalled when tension on the belt increased. This combination has the best resolution (steps/revolution), so I didn't see any reason to build anything else. Helical is one of the option i am considering. the drive shaft close against the drawtube. These have slop as you change direction, you can't do fine adjustments, they weigh a ton, and can flex alarmingly over time. Rather than use a sheet of plastic Kydex to finish the tube, as recommended in K/B, I ordered a sheet of birch veneer. Just as it was about to come into focus, the focuser bottomed out. Whether you need a basic rack-and-pinion telescope focuser for your homemade telescope project or a premium Crayford-type model with dual-speed focusing as a performance upgrade, you have come to the right place. Pioneered by John Dobson in the 1960s, the instrument combines a Newtonian reflector telescope with a unique two-axis movable base. CNC files (optional) Download the Sketchup files. I attached them with very small brads, countersinking the brads. To hold the tube in place within the tube box, I used a combination of pieces of felt inside the box and wooden shims between the tube and the box. I wanted the long focal length for good contrast. I don't have the skills to build a focuser using a. The last chapter of the book describes a plan for an 8 inch sonotube dob with a few design elements from their truss design, and, as I read that chapter, the simplicity of its construction was very appealing. 5 weeks after I had ordered the mirror, I called to ask about its status. 24 T-nuts, with matching 2 bolts and knobs, 8 Aluminum tubing, thin wall, 1 square, 4 lengths I got mine from Cycle 24, Black woven velveteen, 68 Cut it so it stretches along the 6 axis. together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators across the globe. As the thread shows you could also build the dual speed version, all made of plywood, if you feel ready to tackle a slightly more complex project for a cost of about 5$ more. We moved the operation to a nearby park and got a focused image of the most distant trees (300-400 yards away) quite easily. Slewing to find an object and then tracking an object on the sky, so when you make a homemade telescope on the motorisation process you will need high speed for slewing and low speed for tracking or fine movements.

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