As is the case for any air mission, the mission efficiency will reduce the amount of supplies that can be provided, and efficiency can be impacted by a range of elements, including weather, the supply status of the squadron performing the mission, and the relationship between the size of the air zone and the range of the squadron. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? Views: 0 Screenshot from 2022-02-17 10-17-46.png . The amount of supply a division requires for full supply is based on a range of elements, including the line battalions, the support battalions (logistics battalions reduce overall supply use), weather and the capabilities of their commanders. Went Italy first but have military access with all Axis nations. I just need to have some in the harbor ? Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of . Hopefully Germany won't be able to wave a magic wand and invade Britain. Steps for a naval invasion: 1. You are using an out of date browser. How do I see the naval supply of a fleet/task force? Actually building railways can be done in a number of ways: Each additional level of rail will increase the size of the total amount of supply in the hub, which means the amount of supply flowing from the supply hub outwards is also increased. I didn't think they were a chore or that they took too much time to deal with. The level of the railway constructed will be the same as that of the level of the railway in the province that its extending from, but this can be manually adjusted down or up levels (as long as the railway hasnt been built yet) using either the construction list (the +/- buttons on the railway in the list) or on the supply map (left-click on small number (underneath the crossed hammers) on the railways under construction to increase the level, and right-click to decrease the level). Note, however, that the speed of equipment resupply is not affected by a divisions supply state (but if a division has low supply they will experience constant attrition for as long as this is the case, which may prevent a division from reaching its full equipment levels). All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It doesn't seem to work the same way as in EU4 or CK2- I'm playing as mexico, and preparing to attack portugal, but I have no idea how I'm going to do it. houseboat netherlands / brigada pagbasa 2021 memo region 5 / hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base. Aug 4, 2016 @ 9:49am When you go to the naval overlay every sea zone the . TIL that some of the people on Reddit complain about things they see in the title of a post, without the context from the article. Toggle signature. To toggle supply for allies off (or back on) for a particular hub, click on the hub, and then select the blue flag to the left and above the supply hub symbol (see examples below). This is a reproduction of the 1984 Department of the Army Field Manual 100-2-3 (The Soviet Army: Troops, Organization, and Equipment). Hope this helps. Enough convoys to transport the troops. As in the game Hearts of Iron IV perform landing troops? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Ask a new player or non-player, "please navally invade province X". At 100% mission efficiency each fully supplied transport plane flying in good weather is capable of providing 0.2 supply per plane. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Once a hub is motorized, one or two small trucks (depending on the level of motorization) will be visible as part of the supply hub icon (a green truck or trucks indicates that the hub has been directly motorized, while grey truck(s) indicates it has been motorized by a nearby army more on that below). Why cant you just hold down control or alt to force naval transit or vice versa like in EU4? The supply requirements for an air wing are determined by the amount of supply they are able to provide via their mission efficiency so all else being equal, a wing of transport aircraft that can cover a greater proportion of the air zone will provide more air supply than the same sized wing using a different airfield that gives it less coverage. Unit: Unit supply draw, and where its coming from. This will make the troops transport across the water. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? right when they go to the port they go right back, They are probably in an army that has an active plan (frontline etc), only happens in my captured province in the middle east. If you land in a non-port region you have three days to secure one before you run out of supply. Both ports and supply hubs are constructed using the construction interface, shown in the screenshot below. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Remove "random state" infrastructure rewards from focuses and allow us to place the reward upgrades manually. That gave me a valid war goal, though I have not declared war with China yet. When I hover over the "go" button, no flags are raised. Is there some kind of a penalty for occupation done by non-majors? I'm literally punching the desk out of frustration that I can't move troops from Italy down to Ethiopia to help in the war. An air units supply is based on the level of supply in the province containing the airbase. Yes, in HoI4, naval invasions are a confusing game mechanic. To transport them between friendly ports, have them first move to a province with a port, and then order them to move to another port province by clicking the harbour icon (the anchor). Each click of this will add another level of railway to each province on the rail connection to the capital (so, for example, three clicks on a hub connected by a level 2 railway will put construction orders in to upgrade it to the maximum level). 6. Any advice? Why there is no basic equipment capture ratio at the beginning of the game? The follow up, where I transport troops to the naval port I captured. How do you get out of a corner when plotting yourself into a corner. Your troops need to be assigned to an army. Restarting the game fixed it. Maybe it will come in handy in the future when your game bugs out. What's Going On In Flint Michigan Today, This is one of the few areas where submarines excel; only capital ships can match their range for invasions: Remove "random state" infrastructure rewards from focuses and allow us to place the reward upgrades manually. remake - #gaming #hoi4 The purpose of the focus group is to understand how a player new to HoI4 would expect to conduct a naval invasion. Right click on the port that you want your armies to arrive at, and theyll depart from the nearest port. I cannot move ANY troops across any water to any province, only by land. Answer: Well, I have seen the stats for Bangladesh in the modded version of the HOI4 game for 2017. BICE also introduces a minimum consumer goods level . Now, that doesn't work, even on loading. Just add them to the front line in Ethiopia. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Which was either introduced recently or hugely increased, as I don't recall capturing half of Germany's VP and getting. All rights reserved. A comprehensive account of the Iran-Iraq War through the lens of the Iraqi regime and its senior military commanders. But putting units in a port, and then clicking on a distant port simply makes them scurry across the continent of Asia. To move troops across water you have to first move them to a province with a Naval dock/Port, which looks like an anchor on the map. They work similar to naval invasions, just their range is limited, you need air superiority to execute them, they are much faster and instead of convoys, you need enough transport planes in the local air base to bring all your paratroopers to the target location. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Hello everyone, I'm trying to invade Italy via marine invasion, however, I have 4k convoys, but I don't know how to convert them into transports? It will prompt you to click a port the invasion will launch from. Video: Great Khan Achievement with Mongolia. I've used troops from a different army, same issue. Where is the code in HOI4 that defines how an AI decides on events (e.g. The risk of moving your troops by sea is that if you don't have control of the sea zones you're moving through your convoys will be intercepted and destroyed and you will very quickly lose all your divisions. Observe and document the new players and non-players' attempts to conduct a naval invasion. Everything was working just fine, I'd select the division and right-click where I want them to go. In terms of industry, it has 3 military and 10 civilian factories, 3 naval dockyards, plus 14 additional open slots, 4 aluminum, 202 steel, 40 chromium, and 70 . What are best Hearth of Iron 4 mods that'll make your Hoi4 . Please see the example provided by the two screenshots below for a bit more detail. #8. qwe229a . I am definitely missing something. This is the first attempt to understand the full scope of the USSRs offensive biological weapons research, from inception in the 1920s. As a front advances into enemy territory, enemy-held rail lines and hubs may come under friendly control. Supplies are not produced, but rather the level of supply in a province represents a support capacity (it could be thought of as a soft stacking limit). This is with the divisions in Kyushu selected, hovering over Korea and the East China Sea. Francisco Craveiro Lopes (Quartermaster General): . This command adds the specified amount of naval utility to your naval . He is learning by leaps and bounds and we couldnt have picked a better development center in the Springfield area. I've gone through several threads and cannot find a definitive answer: You must log in or register to reply here. You must first have them on a region that has a port, then move them to another region with a port. Armoured trains are a special type of train that is more resistant to enemy Logistics Strike air missions. For example, as per the table below, the total CIC to build a railway from nothing up to level 5 is 2,150 CIC per province (170 + 300 + 430 + 560 + 690), adjusted for any construction bonuses and infrastructure effects on construction speed. It is mid 1936, I'm not at war with anyone, and my first newly minted divisions deployed in Kyushu. Question. By default, you can draw supply from your allies supply hubs, and your allies can draw supply from your supply hubs. I have plenty of ships in the area required naval superiority along the route, plenty of air cover (I've already completely occupied Britain), full intelligence, the planning period is complete, etc. Is there some trick I dont know about? or tell you why you should have engineers in your marine division (you did, didn't you?). Yeah, this is another basic feature that should have been covered in the tutorial. How do I do that over sea instead of over land? Prepare your navy and your marines to the closest islands owned (Marshall Islands) to naval invade Hawaii then to West Coast America, the final ocean province outside of California can be reached by separating your three 4000km range light carriers (Hosho, Akagi and Kaga). Thanks for the answer! so you either have not convoys or you don tknow how to do that: Make frontline/garrison/retreat order where you need it and thats it (keep in mind you must have a prot, and the other one is that you must have all troops on a port and move them to another port. To move troops across water you have to first move them to a province with a Naval dock/Port, which looks like an anchor on the map. You can read about this technology in the naval research section. If a division is below full supply, a faded or bright red crate icon will appear on its on-map icon, and on its icon in the list of divisions in the army. This command can be used to either activate the teleportation tool (if no arguments provided), or instantly teleport any selected ships or armies to the province with the specified ID. Identify patterns and common expectations among the new players. It's very important to bear in mind that hub supply falloff works increases significantly for every extra province distant from the hub, port or capital - so while it is possible to extend hub range, individual changes may be relatively small, and it will often take a substantial investment to increase range enough to push it out to the next province from the hub. You build a navy by researching ships and building them in dockyards. Note that if the convoy route supplying the port is raided, the amount of supply provided will be reduced until the route has recovered its capacity. You need convoys to transport troops to their naval invasion destination. How to score victory against government in exile? You can't just move troops to an enemy port, the only way to do that is a naval invasion. click on the army commander and you'll see on the left a naval invasion icon, click on that and choose the starting port, then right click on the invasion site, then wait while your units prepare, then click on the go button to start the invasion, Yeah, I've done that, but it still says '0/0 Convoys available for troop transport', Have you checked if you can pass the straight at Turkey? Cannot assign divisions to naval invasion orders Steps to Reproduce . The regions must be the . For supply hubs, the base capacity increases for each additional level of rail connection to the capital, based on the smallest rail level at any point in that connection (so, for example, if there are three stretches of track, two at level 2, and one at level 1, the connection is considered to be a level 1 connection to upgrade it to a level 2 connection, the level 1 stretch of track would need to be upgraded to level 2). What is the timeline of Hearts of Iron 4? Why is this the case? Make sure they're idle when it is recreated to be sure. It's just a matter of making the most out of whatever forces you have in the area. Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? While rail lines may or may not need repairing (rail can be damaged by strategic bombing, or by your opponent using scorched earth before they lose control of the state), they wont be available for use right away in most situations. I am playing my first game as Japan. The most important and complex element is the system of supply, which was overhauled in version 1.11 (the Barbarossa patch). you probably dont have control of the suez if the war already started, so you will need to take the suez canal first. it is a bit confusing, your commands override the AI but as soon as it is done they get control back. For naval units, being less than fully supplied impacts directly on spotting efficiency and repair speed, but it also reduces the rate of fuel received, which depending on the fuel situation can have an impact on their efficiency in combat as well. Naval units don't participate in the land unit supply system. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. To achieve the maximum of any divisions, having combinations of 10,20,40 width in divisions will grant players high effectiveness in any given battle. I can do it by moving a unit to a port & then selecting the port I want it to go to when there is no land connection but how do I do it when there is a land connection? It is mid 1936, I'm not at war with anyone, and my first newly minted divisions deployed in Kyushu. The Best Mods of HOI4. I have put them into a port then clicked another port to try and have that work, but it did not work either. As Japan, this is completely game breaking. I get two notices from my cursor: "Cannot transport to a non-naval base location" when hovered over land in Default map mode and "Our fleet does not have access to this region" when using Naval map mode. Aircraft, land or carrier based, add a multiplier to this. As well as the base model train, two other train models can be researched over the course of the game. I don't want to restart; that'd just make me not play the game again. How to show that an expression of a finite type must be one of the finitely many possible values. You must log in or register to reply here. The range of a supply hub, and the amount of supply from the hub in a given province. The other way to achieve hub motorization, is to assign it at the army level. I think setting up the actual naval invasion order is pretty straightforward. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. No problem. The extra supply grace provided is described in terms of hours, but this is only broadly indicative, as the rate of reduction in stored supply can vary depending on the situation the division finds itself in. Everything was working just fine, I'd select the division and right-click where I want them to go. I have no idea how to get my forces over to Europe.

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hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base

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hoi4 cannot transport to a non naval base

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