His talks with Dubcek focused primarily on the events that had unfolded in Czechoslovakia over the last several months. . Yet there is a big difference between grousing, which is endemic to the military, and actual rebellion. The following is a transscript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. However, why are your programs not implemented? First their narratives become so infested with lies they go out of sync with their own administrators on the ground. PROSECUTOR: Note the following: The defendant refuses to sign this statement. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: You as officers should know that the government cannot give the order to shoot. ELENA CEAUSESCU: How can one tell us something like this? CEAUSESCU: No, we had no palaces. Whatever the reason, the result is that the penalty will raise $27 billion less over the next decade than the CBO had originally expected. What may happen of course, is that like a frog slowly being boiled in a pot, the process happens so slowly that people arent aware of it themselves. PROSECUTOR: Nicolae Ceauescu should tell us why he does not answer our questions. The video- shown live on Romanian television-- shows his confusion and consternation and the barely audible comments. Military base Tirgoviste - December 25th 1989. They used to fetch people from orphans' homes or from abroad whom they trained in special institutions to become murderers of their own people. Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. A lie, a lie in my face. No, no, he says. What about the accounts? Tax experts say the best it can do is withhold the penalty amount from any tax refund due. In the uprising by people against Ceausescu during this speech and in subsequent days 1,058 people lost there lives. Paper is patient. PROSECUTOR: We have wonderful programs. You are faced with charges that you held really sumptuous celebrations on all holidays at your house. You held monologues and the people had to applaud, like in the rituals of tribal people. And you might perhaps have achieved the understanding of the Romanian people if you had now admitted your guilt. You see, there is no use in talking to these people. Finally, I would like to refer once more to the genocide, the numerous killings carried out during the past few days. CEAUSESCU: I will answer any question, but only at the Grand National Assembly, before the representatives of the working class. Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty meters back from the front of the Central Committee building. I will only speak in front of it. By the way, I will not answer any more questions. PROSECUTOR: And who heads Securitate? Nicolae Ceauescu had been making speeches for over a couple of decades. I now ask the court to pass a verdict on the basis of the law, because everybody must receive due punishment for the offenses he has committed. The workers were augmented by bystanders who were rounded up on Calea Victoriei. The president of the United States is the commander in chief over all branches of the military. His 1936 mugshot at age 18 still haunts the internet. Nicolae Ceausescu delivers his last public speech in Bucharest on December 21, 1989. PROSECUTOR: Did you hear the charges? They were not really interested in the people. PROSECUTOR: We now have another leading organ. Therefore, it is a mistake for the two accused to refuse to cooperate with us. PROSECUTOR: Please, ask Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu whether they have ever had a mental illness. You have acted in a very irresponsible manner; you led the country to the verge of ruin and you will be convicted on the basis of the points contained in the bill of indictment. What about the accounts? Then he is treated like a normal citizen. You need not admit your mistakes, mister. The Times of Israel quotes Israeli oppositionists as accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of loathing Barack Obama so intensely it has endangering the Jewish states security. "This is the final battle," he said. The prosecutor asks the counsel for the defense to ask Ceauescu whether he knows that he is no longer president of the country, that Elena Ceauescu has also lost all her official state functions and that the government has been dissolved. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, no. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this court. Those moments of Ceausescus weakness and the power of popular pressure explain why, a mere 48 hours later, Ceausescu was attempting to flee Romania, all power lost. The crimes against the people grew year by year. You were so impertinent as to cut off oxygen lines in hospitals and to shoot people in their hospital beds. I do not recognize the court. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: Her scientific papers were published abroad! The produce which the peasants grew was exported, and the peasants came from the most remote provinces to Bucharest and to the other cities in order to buy bread. Making use of Marxist-Leninist rhetoric, he delivered a litany of the achievements of the "socialist revolution" and Romanian "multi-laterally developed . I have no statement to make, and I will not sign one. CEAUSESCU: No, we will not sign. This speech was an annual event and carefully scripted by the regime to insure both success and the appearance of popular support. Not a single shot. They were given red flags, banners and large pictures of Ceauescu and his wife. He had been falling for a long time, and proved the last to know. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: We will discuss this before the Grand National Assembly. This shows again how false the charges are. These two defendants procured the most luxurious foodstuffs and clothes from abroad. You have information about it. No one was shot. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not sign anything. This gang will be destroyed. In the early evening, it was announced that a National Democracy Committee had been formed, made up of uncompromised military commanders, students and intellectuals. The administrations threats, so dire on paper, are toothless in practice because they actually cant afford to carry out the threat. In one speech, a Romanian politician likened Ceausescu to Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Peter the Great, Abraham Lincoln and other major historical figures. I have observed that she is not even able to read correctly, but she calls herself an university graduate. Nobody has the right to abolish the Grand National Assembly. In response, the two laugh, and she says: We do not stay abroad. Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. At the beginning, Ceauescu claimed that it is a provocation to be asked whether he was sick. This is our home. And Elena says: It is incredible what they are inventing, incredible. PROSECUTOR: Will you sign the statement now or not? PROSECUTOR: We have always spoken of equality. It doesnt happen as one big wave. Usurpers have been punished severely during the past centuries in Romania's history. We are all equal. PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide in Timisoara? PROSECUTOR: Note the following: the defendant refuses to sign this statement. What defamation, what provocations! As the other primary sources reveal, the Ceausescus were tried a few days later and executed as enemies of the new Romanian state. Elena keeps whispering to him. Do you want to sign this statement? At some point the entire structure of governance becomes a system of workarounds with all real power devolved to the man on the ground. Thousands of workers were bused into the square under threat of being fired. One of the fundamental defenses of a democracy is the truth. They carried out acts that are incompatible with human dignity and social thinking; they acted in a despotic and criminal way; they destroyed the people whose leaders they claimed to be. Ceauescu's speech of 21 August 1968 [English Subtitles] Transcrierea discursului lui Ceauescu: 01:08 Nicolae Ceauescu: Dragi tovari. ELENA CEAUESCU: Such impudence! I guaranteed that every village has its schools, hospitals and doctors. Ceausescu answers: As I said before, the people are fighting for their freedom and against this putsch, against this usurpation. This page was last edited on 8 October 2016, at 23:48. Why did you make the peasants starve? NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No one recognizes that. CEAUSESCU: No one recognizes that. PROSECUTOR: The people are fighting against you, not against the new forum. Here Nicolae Ceausescu steps in and defends her. This page was last modified on 10 April 2016, at 21:40. Did you know that you can purchase some of these books and pamphlets by Richard Fernandez and share them with you friends? You were not used to talking to the people. A later article shows that Australia is moving toward. They obstructed the normal process of the economy. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. I have observed that she is not even able to read correctly, but she calls herself an university graduate. PROSECUTOR: Do you not know anything about the order to shoot? I will not say anything here. Soon afterwards, Bucharest television reported that Mr Ceauescu and his wife were no longer in the country. I will not speak with you provocateurs anymore, and I will not speak with the organizers of the putsch and with the mercenaries. The prosecutor cites all academic titles she had always claimed to have. Those moments of Ceausescus weakness and the power of popular pressure explain why, a mere 48 hours later, Ceausescu was attempting to flee Romania, all power lost. They were even worse than the king, the former king of Romania. Ceausescu's last speech was interrupted but not by the shouts of the masses. Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway Free elections would be held as soon as possible, and independent media would be established. The message was apparently sent on the understanding that Mr Ceauescu had been arrested. I am talking to you as simple citizens at the least, as simple citizens, and I tell you: I am the president of Romania. Why did you starve the people? He also refuses to recognize the new forum. PROSECUTOR: Mr. Chairman, we find the two accused guilty of having committed criminal actions according to the following articles of the penal code: Articles 162, 163, 165 and 357. The prosecutor quotes Ceauescu, Ceauescu's program. PROSECUTOR: Note - He does not recognize the points mentioned in the bill of indictment. The Ceauescu administrations Prime Minister, Mr Constantin Dsclescu, and his government were said to have resigned. Ceauescu was finally cornered in a small town, where he and his wife were subjected to a summary trial, taken out to the courtyard and shot. The Three Conjectures at Amazon Kindle for $1.99, reflections on terrorism and the nuclear age After many people began to exit the square, Ceauescu shouted over the public address system for them to "remain seated". Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. Elena says: Look, and that they are calling genocide. After an outage of transmission of Romanian television, the speaker announces the verdict in the trial of Elena and Nicolae Ceausescu is death sentence. Now we are making a last attempt. Do you want to sign this statement? The next he was a hunted man. PROSECUTOR: The Grand National Assembly has been dissolved. CEAUSESCU: Nu recunosc nici un tribunal in afara de Marea Adunare Nationala. But rebellion begins involuntarily, at the Hayekian level. Tell the people that I will answer all their questions. We want a legal trial. ELENA CEAUSESCU: The intelligentsia of the country will hear what you are accusing us of. ELENA CEAUSESCU: Accounts in Switzerland? PROSECUTOR: So you know the new forum. PROSECUTOR: This would serve your defense. What happened? Nicolae Ceauescu (Romanian pronunciation: [nikola.e ta.uesku]; 26 January 1918 25 December 1989) was a Romanian politician who was the Secretary Gener. Fuelled by the events taking place in Berlin (the wall had come down just a few weeks before) and the ripple impact of the weakening Iron Curtain, Romanians had taken to the streets in . And who brought them into the country? If you had had a mental illness and admitted this, you would not be responsible for your acts. JUDECATORUL: Va rog sa luati loc. In the wake of growing tension over an uprising in Timioara in which thousands were reportedly killed, Ceauescu decided to give a nationally televised speech before a crowd in Palace Square (now known as Revolution Square) in Bucharest. Who are these fanatics? He also refuses to recognize the new forum. PROSECUTOR: We now have another leading organ. You cannot talk to me in such a way! CEAUSESCU: I repeat: I am the president of Romania and the commander in chief of the Romanian army. Its just that he makes it so hard to do so.. Are they the people, or are you paying them? All the world should know what is going on here. Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu state: Well, you told us about it. This shows again how false the charges are. They not only killed children, young people and adults in Timisoara and Bucharest; they allowed Securitate members to wear military uniforms to create the impression among the people that the army is against them. Diane Dimond writes in Real Clear Politicsabout the low level grumbling that risen to detectable levels since the Bergdahl affair. Powered by Omeka, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History & New Media. PROSECUTOR: Note: He does not recognize the points mentioned in the bill of indictment. However, they will be indicted, and a sentence will be passed on the basis of the new legal system. The streets and squares of Bucharest were littered with torn portraits and shattered busts of the President and his wife. The prosecutor says: The world already knows what has happened here. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize you. Since the old government has been dissolved and Ceauescu has lost his functions, he no longer has the right to be treated as the president. We must not allow the slightest impression of illegality to emerge. We have ensured an apartment for every citizen through corresponding laws. You cannot talk to me in such a way! He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. One in four of the population is believed to have a member. Nicolae Ceausescu - Last Speech, Trial and Execution - History Channel (ENG subtitled) ac agencija 258 subscribers Subscribe 743 Save 111K views 3 years ago Notice Age-restricted video (based. They are cowards. We have data concerning both of them. Its not that we dont want to respect the commander-in-chief, one told me sadly. The counsel for the defense now takes the floor and instructs the Ceausescus once again that they have the right to defense and that they should accept this right. Ceausescu refused to answer. PROSECUTOR: Who gave the order to shoot in Bucharest, for instance? The trial of Nicolae and Elena Ceauescu was held on 25 December 1989 by an Exceptional Military Tribunal, a drumhead court-martial created at the request of a newly formed group called the National Salvation Front. They not only killed children, young people and adults in Timisoara and Bucharest; they allowed Securitate members to wear military uniforms to create the impression among the people that the army is against them. I do not recognize the court. Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu must be held fully responsible for this. You see, there is no use in talking to these people. PROSECUTOR: Mr. Chairman, we find the two accused guilty of having committed criminal actions according to the following articles of the penal code: Articles 162, 163, 165 and 357. They not only deprived the people of heating, electricity, and foodstuffs, they also tyrannized the soul of the Romanian people. ELENA CEAUSESCU: Such impudence! He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. George thought about it for awhile and concluded he just couldnt. Getting a shut-off notice from a utility is also sufficient to claim a hardship exemption. At that moment Elena says to Nicolae: Forget about them. O voce: Un pahar cu apa! The Idiot Vote: The Democrats Core Constituency The archive focuses largely on the period from 1965, when Romania was ruled over by the Ceausescus, until. At the moment the situation is rather uncertain. We want a legal trial. Now we finally saw your villa on television, the golden plates from which you ate, the foodstuffs that you had imported, the luxurious celebrations, pictures from your luxurious celebrations. His security guard appears, disappears and, finally, hustles Ceausescu off the balcony. CEAUSESCU: We will discuss this before the Grand National Assembly. Defendant, if you had no accounts in Switzerland, will you sign a statement confirming that the money that may be in Switzerland should be transferred to the Romanian state, the State Bank. Military base Trgovite - December 25th 1989. The following is a transcript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceauescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. Grandiose plans are announced, pivots are ordered, Red Lines are drawn, all manner of schemes are announced with a maximum of hoopla but everybody ignores it they know the latest fad will pass and the regime will Move On. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: What an obscene provocation. Lech Walesa has openly accused president Obama as unable to lead in world. About ELENA CEAUESCU: We will not sign any statement. Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. CEAUSESCU: Is it possible that we are facing such charges? Last modified on Sun 29 Mar 2020 07.01 EDT President Nicolae Ceauescu was overthrown yesterday and became a fugitive in the country he has ruled for 24 years as remnants of his personal troops. You were the most important aide, the number two in the cabinet, in the government. PROSECUTOR: And who wrote the papers for you, Elena? The court notes that the investigations have been concluded. From the archive, 23 December 1989: Celebration as a nation emerges from the dark, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. He did not realize, however, that a real revolution was starting right before his eyes. And I also do not recognize the counsel for the defense. [1] The crowd, now totaling up to 80,000, were given orders on where to stand, when to applaud and what to sing. Not a single shot was fired in Palace Square. I just couldnt convince myself to do it., He is not alone. I only recognize the working class and the Grand National Assembly -- no one else. As hard as it may be to believe, there was a time when . How to Debate Leftists and Destroy Them: 11 Rules for Winning the Argument. Ceausescu and his wife were later captured, tried, and executed. CEAUSESCU: No, the people are fighting for freedom and against the new forum. If he no longer has a certain function, he cannot demand anything at all. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I do not recognize this new forum. Ceauescu's final speech is a speech delivered by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauescu on 21 December 1989. They are not only accused of offenses committed during the past few days, but of offenses committed during the past 25 years. He always claimed to act and speak on behalf of the people, to be a beloved son of the people, but he only tyrannized the people all the time. The prosecutor quotes Ceausescu, Ceausescu's program. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not answer. Now the counsel for the defense, who was appointed by the court, asks whether Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu know the aforementioned facts -- that he is no longer president, that she has lost all official functions. It is simply an accumulation of multitudes ignoring the official line bit by bit and thereby gradually placing themselves unwittingly in opposition to it. PROSECUTOR: Well, Mr. They are speaking about injustice, ineptitude and impeachment. You are faced with charges that you held really sumptuous celebrations on all holidays at your house. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. The Soviet Parliament expressed its approval of the fall of President Ceauescu and sent to the Romanian people a special message of support proposed by President Gorbachev. . Perhaps the biggest example of thisis a CBO report that while 30 million people will technically be liable to pay the Obamacare Individual Mandate fine but in practice all but 4 million will have their fines waived or exempted. This is a vulgar provocation. CEAUSESCU: Nobody can change the state structures. That is why the people are fighting all over the country. Transcriptul "procesului" Nicolae si Elena Ceausescu. After an outage of transmission of Romanian television, the speaker announces the verdict in the trial of Elena and Nicolae Ceauescu is death sentence. A later article shows that Australia is moving toward purchasing Japanese submarines to replace its existing fleet. PROSECUTOR: This is how you worked with the people and exercised your functions! PROSECUTOR: In the same way he refused to hold a dialogue with the people, now he also refuses to speak with us. The Rise of Ceausescu Nicolae was a member of the communist youth movement. The prosecutor agrees, but stresses that they lived in them while the people suffered. I will not answer anymore. There is still shooting going on, the prosecutor says. The Defence Minister, General Vasile Milea, was said to have committed suicide although it is equally possible he was shot by a member of the Ceauescu retinue. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: We had no account in Switzerland. Like a jalopy falling apart on the road, dropping a screw here and a spring there, the Obama administration is gradually shaking itself to pieces. Because of the crimes they committed against the people, I plead, on behalf of the victims of these two tyrants, for the death sentence for the two defendants. No one can deprive me of these functions. It gave no further details. Elena answers: The intellectuals of this country should hear you, you and your colleagues. The crowd, now totaling up to 80,000, were given orders on where to stand, when to applaud and what to sing. In the essay The Use of Knowledge in Society, Hayek argued that in complex systems the relevant facts are dispersed among many people. Two: Armed attack on the people and the state power, in accordance with Article 163 of the penal code. This demonstrates their lack of understanding. The people were slaves. You told us about it here. TheWashington Timesreports that a top intelligence official is accusing the Obama admininistration of funding a terror network for the next ten years, alleging the administration paid a cash ransom to redeem Bowe Bergdahl. In 1947, we assumed power, but under completely different circumstances. Rebranding Christianity (The World of Information) Who pays them? "a chant that was soon picked up by others in the crowd. Ceausescu begins his address to the people as he had in years past but this year the tide turned. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Mr. President, I would like to know something: The accused should tell us who the mercenaries are. They were not really interested in the people. He was arrested and imprisoned multiple times. In 1947, we assumed power, but under completely different circumstances. We will speak only at the National Assembly, because we have worked hard for the people all our lives. PROSECUTOR: But not of our army, you are not the commander in chief of our army. This year, the crowd begins to chant unscripted comments back at the dictator. I will not answer you putschists, Ceauescu says. PROSECUTOR: Esteemed Mr. Chairman, I have been one of those who, as a lawyer, would have liked to oppose the death sentence, because it is inhuman. Robert Ford, the former US ambassador to Syria, has effectively accused the Obama administration of abandoning genuinely pro-American rebels in Syria thereby allowing the ascendance of al-Qaeda. Teams of doctors with emergency medical supplies were being flown in from Geneva last night. They will receive a link in their email and it will automatically give them access to a Kindle reader on their smartphone, computer or even as a web-readable document. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. CEAUSESCU: As a citizen, as a simple citizen, I tell you the following: At no point was there such an upswing, so much construction, so much consolidation in the Romanian provinces. CEAUSESCU: This is not possible at all. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. Ceauescu's final speech is a speech delivered by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauescu on 21 December 1989. 105). The people only received 200 grams per day, against an identity card. Why did you starve the people? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Land of Green Plums, Mller, Herta at the best online prices at eBay! The front rows of the assembly were made up of low-level Communist Party officials and members who acted as cheer-leaders. Furnish proof! . For example, there isa silent falling away among American allies. I only recognize the working class and the Grand National Assembly no one else. I do not recognize this court. VIENNA, Austria (AP) _ For the first time that anybody could remember, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu was interrupted at a public speech by boos and jeers that began a huge demonstration against him in Bucharest Thursday. PROSECUTOR: By now, there have been 34 casualties. Elena Ceauescu's last moments were as pathetic as one could imagine. This source is a part of the The Romanian Revolution of 1989 teaching module. Sections in italic type are from Austrian television comentary: And who brought them into the country? I am talking to you as simple citizens at the least, as simple citizens, and I tell you: I am the president of Romania. The destruction of buildings and state institutions, undermining of the national economy, in accordance with Articles 165 and 145 of the penal code. They are shooting at children; they are shooting arbitrarily into the apartments. Only a few hours before the Genius of the Carpathians had been in apparently complete command. "Video of Ceausescus Last Speech, December 1989," in World History Commons, https://worldhistorycommons.org/video-ceausescus-last-speech-december-1989 [accessed March 4, 2023], Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Why did you ruin the country so much: Why did you export everything? He refused to undergo a psychiatric examination. PROSECUTOR: Did you know about the genocide or did you, as a chemist, only deal with polymers? CEAUSESCU: I will not answer. Workers from a Bucharest power plant started chanting "Ti-mi-oa-ra! What happened was that he was misled by Centralized Information. He was Secre. Workers from a Bucharest power plant started chanting Ti-mi-oa-ra! One announcer called it the heart of our nation. PROSECUTOR: So far, they have always claimed that we have built this country, we have paid our debts, but with this they bled the country to death and have hoarded enough money to ensure their escape. You should have stayed in Iran where you had flown to. PROSECUTOR: Please, make a note: Nicolae Ceauescu refuses to cooperate with the court-appointed counsel for the defense. Why did you ruin the country so much: Why did you export everything? There is still shooting going on, the prosecutor says. As the crowd becomes more unruly, Ceausescu becomes more confused and he begins arguing with the unseen hecklers. ELENA CEAUESCU: Accounts in Switzerland? Central planning in economics leads to a mismatch in prices and a collapse in the economy while a Central Narrative in politics leads to an increased incidence of involuntary rebellion. Romania's dictator Nicolae Ceausescu's final speech (executed 12/25) More Notable Events on December 21: 1997 Detroit Lions Barry Sanders is 3rd to run for 2,000 yards in a season 1991 U.S. actress Jane Fonda marries CNN-director Ted Turner 1989 Dan Quayle sends out 30,000 Xmas cards with word beacon spelled beakon In fact, his speech on August 21, 1968 in defiance of the military actions taken by Moscow and a few of her allies in Czechoslovakia roused quite a considerable amount of support for not only himself, but for the Patriot Guards as well. And so should such reports chill one to the bone. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: No, the people are fighting for freedom and against the new forum.

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